1. Fan will
- Check wiring connections to fan.
not start
- Check fuses and circuit breakers.
- Check wiring connections in switch housing.
CAUTION: Turn power off for last two items.
2. Fan sounds
- Check to make sure that all screws in motor housing
are snug.
- Check to make sure that blade bracket screws are tight.
- Check to make sure that marettes in switch housing
are not rattling against wall of switch housing.
- If fan has a light kit make sure switch housing screws
and set screws are tight.
- Some fan motors are sensitive to signals from solid
state variable controls. If solid state controller is
used, change to an alternative control.
- Allow a 24-hour break-in period to eliminate
most noises.
3. Fan wobbles - Check that all blades are screwed firmly into blade
or shakes
- Check that blade brackets are secured firmly to motor.
- Check distance from tip of blades to ceiling. Gently
bend up or down the blade brackets until all distances
are the same.
- Check distance between blade tip to blade tip. All
measurements should be equal. Loosen blade screws
and position blade until even then retighten.
- Check that the downrod hemisphere notch is engaged
in canopy.
- Check to make sure that jam screws in downrod are
- Make sure canopy and mounting bracket are tightened
securely to wooden joist.
- Make sure wooden blades are not warped.