Juicing Screen
Sieve: You may want to use this if you have juiced items that create more foam or
more pulp than you prefer. Place the sieve on the juice container or bowl after juicing
process is complete and before pouring juice into a glass.
Thoroughly wash fresh ingredients to remove accumulated chemicals. The Omega
Nutrition System can extract juice from un peeled fruits and vegetables but your taste
may prefer peeled produce.
Soft produce will process easier if refrigerated.
Cut fruits and vegetables into small pieces to fit in the drum.
Turn [ON] machine and let it run without interruption until all juice has been extracted.
Alternate soft and firm items. It is best to start with the softer item.
If the pulp starts to clog the drum, turn [OFF] machine and empty the drum set.
Reassemble and resume normal operation.
After placing the last piece of fruit or vegetable into the funnel, keep the machine
running for a few seconds to ensure every last drop of juice is extracted.
After every use, clean all parts that come into contact with food or juice.
You may juice items that are not usually used in meals, for example, carrot or beet stems.
End Cap
Adjustable End Cap
Juice Screen
End Cap
Sieve will filter out
excess foam or pulp.
No Nozzle Needed