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Hobbytech XTRONICS STR8-MB Mode D'emploi page 4


Follow the outlined rules for safe radio control ooeration
Avoid running the car in crowed area and near small children.
Make sure that no one else is using the same frequency in your running area. Using the same frequency at the
same time can cause serious accidents, whether it's driving, flying or sailing.
Avoid running in standing water and rain. lf FVC unit, motor, or battery get wet, clean and dry throughly in a dry
shaded area.
FUC operating procedures
1- Make sure the transmitter controls and trims are in neutral. Switch on transmitter.
2- Switch on receiver.
3- Inspecl operation using transmitter before running.
4- Adlust steering servo and trim so that the model runs straight with transmitter in neutral.
5- Reverse sequence to shut down after running.
6- Make sure to disconnecvremove all batteries.
7- Completely remove sand, mud, dirt etc
8- Store the car and batteries separately when not use
Respecter les rögles de fonctionnement de la radio suivantes :
Ne oas faire fonctionner le modöle au milieu d'enfants ou de la foule
Vörifier que personne d'autre n'utilise la mäme fröquence dans le möme secteur car cela pourrait provoquer de
s6rieux incidents,
Ne pas rouler dans l'eau ou sous la pluie. Si le moteur, le dispositif 6lectrique ou l'accumulateur est mouill6,
s6chez-le imm6diatement.
Ordre de fonctionnement fondamental du modöle sans fil
1- Allumez l'ömetteur aprös avoir mis le trim de gaz ä la position neutre.
2- Branchez le contact du röcepteur.
3- Avant de faire fonctionner, assurez vous du bon fonctionnement des 2 voies de votre Ömetteur
4- R6gler le trim du volant, agissez sur le curseur pour que la voiture puisse avancer droit.
5- Aprös avoir arröt6 de conduire, arrötez le recepteur et ensuite la radiocommande.
6- Debranchez tous les accumulateurs.
7- A la fin de chaque fonctionnement, nettoyez I'ensemble de la voiture.
To greatly enhance the overall performance of your car, it's necessary to tune the vehicle to the track (and its
surface conditions) on which you will be racing. Make adjustments refening to the instruction manual, keeping in
mind that
"balance' is the key word.
'l- llres
have a great influence on the performance of your car, and are normally the first components tuned. Select
the right tires for the track you are racing on.
2- Toe-in and Toe-out
Adjusting the car toe-in a little, by pointing the wheel inwards, provides the car with good straight running and
moderate steering characteristics. Toe-out, which point the wheels outwards, gives sharp and crisp steering. Take
care not to overdo.
3- Camber angle
While taking the corners, the car is forced to go outwards, causing instability, The area of contact on each tire is
determined by the camber angle, and therefore the traction of the tires can be made greater or lesser by adjust-
ment of camber angle. To increase traction during cornering, adjust camber angle negative, and reduce traction,
adjust for posilive camber.
4- Ground clearance and suspension droD
Ground clearance and/or rebound stroke has a great effect on stability during cornering, acceleration, and braking.
Ground clearance can be adjusted by altering damper spring tension and stiffness.
5- Gear ratio
Proper gear ratio should be determined by the available output power of the motor; type of battery; track condition
and layout lt should be also noted that running the car on a good grip surface suggests use of pinion gear 1 teeth
smaller, in order to effectively use all of the available battery power.

