7 Troubleshooting
Please check the table below to solve your problems.
Prompt Tone
One high beep
Two high beep
One low beep One
high beep
One low beep Two
high beep
Two low beep One
high beep
Two low beep Two
high beep
Robot Vacuum / User Manual
Failure Cause
Bumper stuck
Robot suspended
Battery low
Robot is trapped
Abnormal side brush
Wheel jammed
Check whether the bumper can
Put the robot back to the ground
and press the cleaning button again
Charge the robot
Move the robot to a barrier-free lo-
cation and press the cleaning but-
Check whether the side brush is
wound by wire and clean up the en-
Check whether the wheel is entan-
gled with foreign objects and clean
up the entangled
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