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Team 5 GREEN Manuel D'utilisation page 72


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interventions, the emergency parachute must be deployed instantly!
If levelling off (where control forces are not so high as to make this impossible) and subsequent
traditional control measures are not sufficient to reinflate the airfoil, in the right altitude and with
appropriate piloting skills, the following methods may lead to success:
1. Pulling down the Stabilo-line (blue-coloured: on the C-riser!) may also result in reinflation and in
the canopy's return to normal flight.
2. Collapsing the side in question in order to take some load off the lines (only in case of small
entanglements and line-overs).
3. Controlled stalling of the canopy leads to the canopy sliding backward and thus effects in airflow
from behind which will usually undo the entanglement (only to be attempted by pilots who have
been trained in this technique and who are very experienced). If you cannot undo the entangle-
ment, you must consider whether it is possible to make an emergency landing (small entangle-
ment, holding canopy straight works well, manoeuvrability still remains) or whether you need to
deploy your safety chute (large entanglement, canopy only to be kept straight with the risk of
stalling, high sinking, no more manoeuvrability).
Flying out of strong thermals with released brakes could result in a front collapse.
Usually, the canopy reinflates smoothly and on its own. Reinflation can be assisted and accelerated
by gently pulling both brakes.
The first step of a stall is the deep stall. The forward speed is close to zero and the glider descends
with the canopy open. The GREEN has no tendency whatsoever to remain in a deep stall. In the
event of a deep stall not immediately ceasing by itself due to unusual circumstances, push the
A-risers forward gripping approximately six inches below the line link. This will shorten them until
the canopy has taken up speed again.
We urge you not to pull one of the brakes as this may lead to spinning.
Handbuch Green Susi 100 Seiten.i60 60
06.09.2007 11:13:53

