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The GREEN is - just as any other paraglider - neither suited for aerobatics nor licensed for it. All
manoeuvres surpassing a horizontal incline of 60° and a longitudinal incline of 30° as well as flight
manoeuvres in which an airstream hits the canopy from behind are considered aerobatics.
The paraglider is a flexible aircraft without a supporting primary structure. Therefore, it may happen
that a portion of the canopy suddenly collapses in turbulence. Thus, canopy collapses are a facet of
paragliding and are, in case you should encounter one, not difficult to handle with the GREEN.
The GREEN leaves the pilot plenty of time to intervene. The pilot's first reaction must always be
counterbalance to prevent the canopy from turning away or to pull it out. Without counter steer-
ing, the GREEN usually stops the rotation on its own. Normally, the collapsed areas of the wing
will then reinflate without pilot intervention. In case the collapsed side does not reinflate on its
own, pull down the steering line on the side of the collapse all the way. In extreme cases this proc-
ess must be repeated several times. Make sure you stabilize flight direction by counterbalancing.
"Pumping" the brake in panic is not an effective technique. Remember to continuously check your
distance from the ground! Asymmetric collapses as well as front collapses can be avoided most
effectively by "active" flying.
In rare cases, especially out of incorrectly recovered stall or spin manoeuvres, canopy collapses
may occur in which parts of the airfoil get caught in the lines thus complicating reinflation. During
such entanglements, even when only to a small extent, you must be prepared for a distinctively
stronger turning-away of the canopy toward the entangled side. This is why opposite control must
be used instantly and without hesitation. Owing to airflow from the front during spiral dive, it is im-
possible to undo the entanglement without stopping the turn, and the steering forces will increase
extremely. If you do not succeed in levelling off or if you do not have enough altitude for further
Handbuch Green Susi 100 Seiten.i59 59
06.09.2007 11:13:53