PowerCel™ Battery Charge Status
When your processor is first turned on, an ORANGE LED lighting sequence will
indicate the PowerCel charge status as follows:
4 quick blinks indicate that the PowerCel is fully charged.
2–3 quick blinks indicate that the PowerCel is sufficiently charged to power
the processor.
1 quick blink indicates that the PowerCel charge is nearly depleted.
ORANGE LED doesn't light up at all: The PowerCel is completely depleted.
Lock Status (programmable feature)
The term lock refers to the successful communication between your processor and
implant. The PowerCel™ battery charge status sequence will be followed by a RED light
that will begin to flash approximately once per second until lock is achieved. Once your
headpiece is properly positioned on your head, and information is transmitting to your
implant, the flashing will stop. In addition, if at any time during regular use the Harmony
processor loses lock with your implant, the RED LED will flash approximately once per
second until lock is re-established.