Reversing the direction the door opens
The doors normally open to the left (hinges on the right); if you wish to open the door to the right,
you can modify the direction in which it opens by following the instructions below. To ensure correct
installation, please scrupulously follow the directions and the sequence of operations below:
Gently lay the appliance on its back.
Unscrew the bottom screw (A) and remove it from
the door. (drawing R1).
Remove the hinge pin (keep the plastic spacers
inserted on the pin).
Screw the pin in the left hole (B) of the hinge and
insert the plastic spacers.
Unscrew the screw and remove the door rotation stop
plate (C), turn it and insert it in the left slot on the
bottom of the door, making the shorter part protrude.
Block the plate with the screw (D) (drawing R2).
Open the door at a 45 degree angle (E) and, gently
pushing it toward the bottom (F), remove the top
hinge pin (drawing R3).
Remove the top pin on the left (H) (drawing R4).
Remove the plate from the upper right hand part of the
door (I) and insert it in the slot on the left.
Insert the pin in the hole in the niche on the right
on the top of the door.
10. Remove the plate covering the top hinge and
screw the hinge (M) (drawing R5).
11. Remove the plate covering the left part of the top,
rotate it and insert it in the slot where you removed
the hinge (N).
12. Position and fasten the hinge in the upper left part
of the appliance and insert the cover plate.
13. Insert the door in the left hinge, holding it open at
a 45 degree angle and close the door.
14. Insert the bottom hinge in the door using the
spacers and fasten it with the screws.
15. Stand up the appliance.
Wait two hours before restarting your
Drawing R1
Drawing R2
Drawing R3
Drawing R4
Drawing R5