Choosing a Mounting Position
The Media Air Cleaner mounts in any position within the return air duct, usually next to the furnace blower
compartment, but the arrow on the cartridge must point in the same direction as the airflow. See Figs. 1-8 for
proper location of the media air cleaner for a variety of furnace installations.
NOTE: The media air cleaner cabinet is sturdy enough to easily support the weight of the furnace and evaporator
Fig. 1. Highboy furnace with side
Fig 2. Highboy furnace, with
Fig. 3. Highboy furnace, with closet
installation. Media air filter is
installation beneath furnace.
installation. Media air
mounted vertically where return
Media air cleaner is mounted
cleaner is mounted vertically on
enters side inlet of furnace.
horizontally where return
furnace between furnace and
enters from below.
louvered return air opening in closet
Before beginning Mounting:
I have chosen an installation location that meets the requirements on pages 5 through 6.
Honeywell Media Air Cleaner 68-0239EF—11