Backlit Bluetooth keypad and remote electronics
First Use or After Reset
1. Power up the system
On the remote electronics:
- Green LED turns on
- Then the Red LED turns on
- Then the Red and Green LED flash
2. Enter a new code twice for the master code (5 digits).
The 12345 code is forbidden as a master code.
The keypad stops flashing
After the first entry of the master code, the keypad flashes once
Enter the master code for a second time
If both entries of the master code are the same, 2 beeps are
emittedOtherwise, wait until the keypad flashes again to enter the new master
code twice (about 10 seconds)
You are now in programming mode
3. Configure the system with the programming chart (see next pages)
- Press B to exit programming mode
4. Example for creating a user code
The code for the customer (4 or 5 digits) has its place in the device memory, in
the same way that a car has its place in a car park. Once the space is occupied,
the next code must be given another space. All codes that control relay 1 are
programmed between spaces 00 and 59. The codes for relay 2 are programmed
between 60 and 79, and those for relay 3 between 80 and 99.
Steps to follow:
Enter the master code twice. You will hear 2 beeps.
Enter the code position (e.g. "00"). You will hear 1 beep.
Now enter the desired user code (4 or 5 digits, depending on the set code length),
you will hear a long beep
Exit the programming menu by pressing "B". You will hear 2 beeps and the
keypad lights will go out (unless permanently programmed)
The user code is now programmed. Test the relay activation by entering the new
On the keypad:
- 1 beep is emitted
- The keypad lights up and flashes
Backlit Bluetooth keypad and remote electronics
Reset Memory
1. Cut off the power and put the jumper on P1 (page 3).
Refer to page 3 for the jumper P1 on the remote electronics. Second possibility
2. Put the power back on:
On the remote electronics:
- Red LED turns on during reset
- After the reset, Red and Green LEDs
continue flashing until the new master
code is set
3. Pull out the jumper on P1
Master code and user codes are cleared and set to default value
4. Start again from part A
Reset Master Code
When in standby operating mode, put a jumper on P1. Wait until the keypad
flashes to enter the new master code.
On the remote electronics:
- Red LED turns on while the
master code is being reset
- Then Green LED turns on
Changing The Code by a User
To authorise a user to modify their own user code, put a jumper on P2 (to disable
the feature, remove the jumper)
1. Enter the current user code
- The relay is activated and a beep is emitted
2. Enter the 2-digitv sub master code
- Relay 1, default sub master code: A and B
- Relay 2, default sub master code: 1 and 3
- Relay 3, default sub master code: 4 and 6
- A beep is emitted to authorise the modification
3. Enter the new user code
- 2 beeps are emitted to confirm the new code
4. Test the new code to ensure the modification has applied correctly.
On the keypad:
- 6 short beeps are emitted during
reset and at the end 1 long beep is
- The keypad continues flashing
until the new master code is set
On the keypad:
- 3 short beeps are emitted while the
master code is being reset and after
that 1 long beep is emitted
- The keypad flashes until the new
master code is set