To short−circuit any unneeded inputs and
outputs by looping, you can connect the plug
nipple of the inputs X
outputs A
(Fig. 14) with PU hoses PU−3−... . Seal the
output A
The short−circuiting method by means of looping is also suitable for skipping any
intermediate steps not required.
Products are wired ready for connection and ready for operation immediately after
the tubing has been connected.
1. Make sure that the entire system is pressureless.
2. Check if the following elements of your system are in home position:
Quickstepper on step 12
Actuators (drives)
Control elements (pneumatic valves J−5−PK−3, J−3−PK−3)
Signal transmitter for the common home position
Preselect positions reached
3. Check the power supply for the control section:
Operating pressure 2.5 ... 6 bar
Filter fineness service units 5 m
4. Check the individual functions:
Pressure measurement
Vacuum sensing
5. Set up your system:
Systematically check the individual movements in setup mode.
Adjust the signal transmitter in the event of faults.
6. Start the test run in step mode without any workpieces.
7. Perform the test run with workpieces.
8. Perform the test run in automatic mode.
and the corresponding
. Use barbed tube connectors V−PK−3
with a cap CV−PK−3−B (Fig. 13).
Fig. 14
Festo FSS−12−C 0410a English