The purpose is to link your Watts Vision
account with your google Home or Amazon
Alexa account.
8.1 Amazon Alexa
1. Trigger the Watts Vison skill available in
the Skills and game menu of the Alexa
2. Log in your Watts Vision account into
the Alexa application to link you Watts
Vision account with your Alexa account
3. In the devices menu, the thermostat
menu should be available.
8.2 Google home
1. In the google home application, select
Parameters, Services, work with Google
and trigger the Watts Vision service.
2. Log in your Watts Vision account into
the Google Home application
3. Select: Thermostat
8.3 Google Home and Amazon
Alexa controls
Turn on/off the Electric Blanket
Set the Living Room to 21 degrees
What temperature is the Living Room ?
What is the Living Room set to?
Make it warmer/cooler in Living Room
Set Living Room thermostat to off /
heat / automatic
Turn on / off the light
Set thermostat to automatic / eco /
comfort / off
Turn off the heat (Alexa/Google)
Modes correspondence
Google home
and Amazon alexa
Heating mode
Auto mode
Eco mode
Due to Google Application design choice,
auto mode cannot be set via Google
Home app. Auto mode can be set only by
voice utterance.
Watts Vision
Comfort mode
Program mode
Eco mode