To delete a
room (zone).
Scroll over rooms.
3.4 Pair your devices to the
• Install your devices (see relevant device
• Create the room if it doesn't exist (See
section 3)
• Go to Radio pairing
• Choose the device type (heating, On/Off
device, etc)
• Choose the room
• Note: The master (WFC-03 HC RF with
thermostat) must be paired first
• Put the device in pairing mode (refer to
the device manual)
• Start the pairing on the Central
• Follow the instructions given by the
Central (check on the device that the
pairing is successful, refer to the device
• n.b.: Automatic pairing time in case of
RF communication loss: 10s.
Current room name
Room 1
To change current room (zone) name.
• n.b.: Pairing of the repeater: Select any
device type, any room and does not
consider the pairing failure message on
the central unit at the end of the proce-
dure. The led should be green fix on the
• When you have finished pairing all devic-
es, please check that the range allows
good communication. To do this, adjust
the setpoint temperature on the central
and make sure that the information is
received by the thermostat/receiver.
• Check the successful installation
In the radio pairing menu, choose test RF
You will have warning
menu for RF errors communications. The
warning flag should appear for a maximum
of 10mn. It would then disappear if there
are no communication problems. If not,
check devices showing RF errors, try
moving them to another place and repeat
the procedure.
To create or
add a room
in home