Insufficient water
Crossflow: hot water being forced
into cold water supply, or vice
versa, when mixer is closed
Output temperature does not
correspond with temperature set
Output temperature is erratic
Output water is all hot or all cold ―
doesn't mix (new installation)
Safety stop override button not
• Inspect the check valves at least once per year.
Replace the check valves if necessary.
• Should the volume of water decrease over time,
inspect and clean the filters on the thermostatic
cartridge. After reassembly, set the high
temperature limit stop and justify the handle.
• To prolong the life of the themostatic cartridge,
regularly run it through its full range of
Possible Cause
- Supply pressure inadequate
- Thermostatic cartridge filter dirty
- Showerhead screen washer or filter
gasket dirty
- Check valves dirty or worn
- Handle not justified
- Temperature regulator dirty or
- NOT a product defect: rough
valve is cross connected -- hot on
right and cold on left
- Spring defective
- Button dirty
- Check water pressure (If a pump
has been installed check to see if
the pump is working).
- Clean filters
- Clean screen washer or filter
- Clean check valves,replace if
- Justify the handle
- Clean temperature thermostatic
cartridge filters
- Replace thermostatic cartridge
- Correct the plumbing
- Clean spring and/or button,
replace if necessary