3) Calibration by physical standard references / oP 2
Use the up and down keys (
confirm. On the bottom of the display appears 1 P. For changing between a
1-Point (1 P), 2-Point (2 P) or 3-Point (3 P) - cali bration use the up and down
keys (
oP 2
1 P
2 P
3 P
Example of a 1-Point calibration:
Push (ENTER/MENUE) to confirm. On the display appears CALC. After the
displayed measuring value is stabile push (ENTER/ MENUE). On the first
display line you can see the „frozen" measure ment value. On the second
line as a default you can see -100.000. Now you have to enter (instead
of -100.000) the correct measure ment value from your reference:
By using the up key (
) you are able to move the decimal point to
setup the number of decimal places. Push (ENTER/MENUE) to con firm.
Now the algebraic sign is blinking „-". Use the up key (
or negative number. Change the number using the up and down keys (
) is changing the blinking segment
) is jumping to the next segment
Push (ENTER/MENUE) to confirm, revert back to the measuring mode.
To abort the physical calibration use the (ESC)-button.
Display-indication with active calibration code (oP 2):
The CAL-segment and the small 2 indicates to the user
that oP 2 is activated.
4) Calibration according to Coefficients of EN60751 (R0, ABC)/ oP 3
By using Option 3 you are able to activate coefficients according to EN60751
(RO, A, B, C). The coefficients have to be calculated using special software on
a PC (e. g. P7_CALC). Before you are able to activate this option you have to
transmit the coefficients from the PC to the instrument. Therefore you have to use
the Soft ware P7 _CALC, too.
Use the up and down keys (
confirm. Now the calibration option 3 is activated! Push (ESC) to revert back to
the measuring mode.
Note: After confirming oP 3 by pushing (ENTER/MENUE) the function oP 3
(calibration by code) is activated, even though you leave the menu by pressing
Display-indication with active calibration code (oP 3):
The CAL-segment and the small 3 indicates to the user
that oP 3 is activated.
) to select oP 2. Push (ENTER/MENUE) to
) to toggle for positive
) to select oP 3. Push (ENTER/MENUE) to
5) Smart EEprom-probes with internal calibration (AUTO-Detection) / oP 4
The Option 4 will be activated automatically by using Smart EEprom probes. This
option will be activated by switching on the instrument when the Smart EEprom
probe has been connected to the instrument.
Display-indication with active calibration code (oP 4):
lf a Smart probe will be disconnected during the instrument is work ing the
instrument automatically switch to the CAL-menu.
1.4.6 Channel activation (only 2-channel instruments) / (Chnl)
Chnl = Channel
To activate or deactivate a measuring channel push (ENTER/MENUE). Use the
up and down keys (
the left corner of the display appears a small 1, which indicates the selected
channel. To change the channel use the up and down keys (
(ENTER/MENUE) to confirm. Use the up and down keys (
activate on or deactivate off the requested measuring channel and push (ENTER/
MENUE) to confirm. Push (ESC) to revert back to the measuring mode.
Note: As a minimum one channel is active!
1.4.7 Memory Setup Lo6
Push (ENTER/MENUE) and use the up and down keys (
Push (ENTER/MENUE) to confirm. Use the up and down keys (
to start (on) or Stop (off) the logger. Push (ENTER/MENUE) to confirm. Use the
up and down keys (
or manually operated storage (SPot). Push (ENTER/MENUE) to confirm. Use
the up and down keys (
and creating a new file (nLo6). Push (ENTER/MENUE) to confirm. By selected
automatic storage at the end you have to select the time interval:
1 S
1 second
5 S
5 second
10 S
10 second
20 S
20 second
30 S
30 second
E.g. of the instrument's LCD by activated logging mode:
The CAL-segment and the small 4 indicates to the user
that oP 4 is activated.
) to select Chnl. Push again (ENTER/MENUE). On
L in 2
) again to select between automatic storage (Auto)
) again to select between to add on data (Add)
1 M
2 M
5 M
10 M
20 M
L in 2
On the bottom you can see the percentage of the
occupied memory (0..99%). If a calibration option is
activated the display is alternating between displaying
memory status and calibration information.
). Push
) again to
) to select Lo6.
) again
1 minutes
2 minutes
5 minutes
10 minutes
20 minutes