Your pellet heater operates on a timer based auger fuel feed system, that is controlled by a digital circuit board.
The fuel is delivered from the auger into a burn pot, which is the vessel where the combustion process takes
place. Based upon the heat ranges (1-5), the heater will feed the appropriate amount of fuel to reach a set
temperature range. Note that the amount of heat produced by the heater is proportional to the rate of the fuel
that is burned. Your heater is equipped with an automatic ignition system that should ignite the fuel within 5-10
minutes from pressing the ON button. As pellets fall into the burn pot and ignite, outside air is drawn in to feed the
fire by a combustion blower. The post combustion gases are then pulled through the heat exchanger as they are
traveling out the exhaust. As the heater warms up, room air is circulated around the heat exchanger by means
of a room air blower, distributing warm air into the room.
Because a forced draft pressure is required for the combustion process inside your heater, it is extremely important
that the exhaust system be properly maintained. And, that when operating your heater, you make sure that the
viewing and combustion doors are properly closed and/or sealed.
Turning the heater ON/OFF, as well as adjustments for the fuel feed rate is performed by pressing the appropriate
button(s) on the control panel which is located on the front, lower left-hand corner of your heater.
• Pressing the "ON" button on the control panel will begin the start-up sequence for the heater. Fuel will begin
to feed through the auger feed system then ignite after approx. 5 minutes.
• Pressing the "OFF" button on the control panel will cause the heater to enter its shut-down sequence. The fuel
feed system will stop pulling fuel from the hopper and, once the fire goes out and the heater cools down, the
fans will stop running.
• Pressing the "Heat Range" arrows, up or down, will adjust the amount of fuel being delivered to the burn pot.
• The exhaust blower will start. Note that this appliance pulses the exhaust blower in order to achieve the proper
air to fuel ratio, and to also aid in the cleaning of the burn pot.
• Once the heater reaches a set temperature, the room fan will come on.
Heat Range LED - displays the selected heat setting. Number "1" LED
lights to display that there is power to unit even if the heater is off.
• Door Sw LED - lights when front viewing door is opened or if the
hopper lid is raised.
• Press Sw LED - lights if pressure is lost inside the combustion chamber
(see "Errors").
• E LED - Operational Error (see "Errors").
• ON LED - Flashes in start-up mode. On solid during Run mode
• OFF LED - Flashes during shut down mode
This heater is designed to burn only PFI Premium grade pellets. This appliance can also burn pellets rated as
standard after May 16, 2015. DO NOT BURN:
1. Garbage;
2. Lawn clippings or yard waste;
3. Materials containing rubber, including tires;
4. Materials containing plastic;
5. Waste petroleum products, paints or paint thinners,
or asphalt products;
6. Materials containing asbestos;
7. Construction or demolition debris;
8. Railroad ties or pressure-treated wood;
9. Manure or animal remains;
Understanding Your Heater
Control Panel Overview
10. Salt water driftwood or other previously salt water
saturated materials;
11. Unseasoned wood; or
12. Paper
particleboard. The prohibition against burning these
materials does not prohibit the use of fire starters
made from paper, cardboard, saw dust, wax and
similar substances for the purpose of starting a fire in
an affected wood heater. Burning these materials
may result in release of toxic fumes or render the
heater ineffective and cause smoke.