117.0 kg
Driving speed
Forward:1.5-6.7 km/h (5 gears), Reverse 2.1 km/h
Machine Dimensions
We will resolve any material or manufacturing faults on the appliance during the legal warranty period for claims
relating to faults, in accordance with our choice either to repair or replace. The legal warranty period is determined by
the legislation of the country in which the appliance was purchased.
Our warranty promise applies only if:
■ These operating instructions are heeded
■ The appliance is handled correctly
■ Original spare parts have been used
The warranty becomes void in the case of:
■ Unauthorised repair attempts
■ Unauthorised technical modifications
■ Non-intended use
The guarantee excludes:
■ Paint damage that can be attributed to normal wear and tear
■ Wear parts that are marked with a frame xxxxxx (x) on the spare parts card
Internal combustion engines (these are covered by the guarantee provisions of the corresponding engine
The guarantee period commences with purchase by the first end user. The date on the proof of purchase is decisive. In