General Installation Information
Ventilated Area: ensure that the area is in the open or that it
is adequately ventilated before breaking into the system of
conducting any hot work. A degree of ventilation should continue
during the period that the work is carried out. The ventilation
should safely disperse any released refrigerant and preferably
expel it. Keep ventilation area clear of obstructions!
Do NOT use potential sources of ignition in searching for or de-
tection of refrigerant leaks. A halide torch (or any other detector
using a naked flame) shall not be used.
The following leak detection methods are deemed acceptable for
all refrigerant systems. Electronic leak detectors may be used to
detect refrigerant leaks but, in the case of FLAMMABLE REFRIG-
ERANTS, the sensitivity may not be adequate, or may need re-
calibration. (Detection equipment shall be calibrated in a refriger-
ant-free area.) Ensure that the detector is not a potential source
of ignition and is suitable for the refrigerant used. Leak detection
equipment shall be set at a percentage of the LFL. of the refriger-
ant and shall be calibrated to the refrigerant employed, and the
appropriate percentage of gas (25% maximum) is confirmed. Leak
detection fluids are also suitable for use with most refrigerants
but the use of detergents containing chlorine shall be avoided
as the chlorine may react with the refrigerant and corrode the
copper pipe-work. NOTE Examples of leak detection fluids are
bubble method, fluorescent method agents If a leak is suspected,
all naked flames shall be removed/extinguished. If a leakage of
refrigerant is found which requires brazing, all of the refrigerant
shall be recovered from the system, or isolated (by means of shut
off valves) in a part of the system remote from the leak. Removal
of refrigerant shall follow the procedure outlined in this manual.
Installation Site
This equipment has been evaluated to be installed up to a maxi-
mum altitude of 3000m (9843ft) and should not be installed at
an altitude greater than 3000m. For installation only in locations
not accessible to the general public.
For appliances using A2L refrigerants connected via an air duct
system to one or more rooms, only auxiliary devices approved
by the appliance manufacturer or declared suitable with the
refrigerant shall be installed in connecting ductwork. The
manufacturer shall list in the instructions all approved auxiliary
devices by manufacturer and model number for use with the
specific appliance, if those devices have a potential to become an
ignition source.
Installation Space Requirements
NOTE: Equipment with refrigerant charge less than 64 oz does
not require have a minimum floor area requirement and does not
require a refrigerant leak detection sensor.
The sensor might be added as a feature.
Equipment containing R-454B refrigerant shall be installed,
operated, and stored in a room with floor area larger than the
area defined in the "Minimum Floor Area" chart based on the
total refrigerant charge in the system. This requirement applies
to indoor equipment with or without a factory refrigerant leakage
This equipment requires connections to a water supply. See
the "Water Quality Guidelines" section of this manual for more
information on the quality of water required for this operation.
If a potable water source is used for this equipment's water
supply, the source water supply shall be protected against back
siphonage by the equipment.
This equipment comes with a factory installed Refrigerant Detection
Device which is capable of determining it's specified end-of-life and
replacement instructions. Refrigerant sensors for refrigerant detection
systems shall only be replaced with sensors specified by the appliance
Take sufficient precautions in case of refrigerant leakage. If refrigerant
gas leaks, ventilate the area immediately.
POSSIBLE RISKS: Excessive refrigerant concentrations in a closed
room can lead to oxygen deficiency
ALWAYS recover the refrigerant. Do NOT release them directly into the
environment. Follow handling instructions carefully in compliance with
national regulations.