SElEctinG thE propEr SpraY tip
See Figure 13, page 16.
Use the 1 in. round fan tip for latex paints,
oil-based paints, and stains. This tip sprays
in a round pattern.
Use the 12 in. wide fan tip for latex paints.
This tip sprays in a wide pattern that can be
adjusted from horizontal to vertical.
to switch tips:
Remove the battery pack from the backpack unit.
Remove the installed tip by turning it counter-
Install the desired tip and rotate clockwise to tighten
NOTE: The tip should be tightened securely by hand. A
too loose or overtightened tip may cause the sprayer to
leak or be damaged.
to change direction of wide fan tip:
Slightly loosen the wide fan tip by rotating counter-
clockwise 1/4 turn.
Rotate the adjusting arm 1/4 turn in the direction needed
to switch the direction of the tip spray.
While holding the adjusting arm in position, rotate the
wide fan tip clockwise until securely tightened.
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11 — English
opEratinG thE rollEr
See Figures 14 - 15, page 17.
Install the battery pack into the backpack unit.
Connect the paint supply tube to both the backpack unit
and the roller handle.
Prime the backpack unit:
• Place the motor switch in the forward position.
• Aim into a bucket and squeeze the trigger on the roller
to release air inside the unit.
• Once paint is running through both the intake tube and
the return tube, the unit is primed.
• Place the motor switch in the off position.
Turn the flow adjustment knob so that it is all the way
Place the motor switch in the forward position.
Squeeze the trigger. Once the roller has paint, release
the trigger and squeeze again only when more paint is
NOTE: Do not continuously squeeze the trigger. For best
results, after every third stroke, pull trigger for 1 second,
release, then continue to paint.
Once the paint is flowing through the paint tube and
into the roller, adjust the variable paint flow valve for the
desired paint coverage.
To create an even coating over the entire surface:
• Apply paint or stain in an area several feet wide in a
zig-zag direction.
• Roll back and forth repeatedly over the same area
until the entire area is covered and the roller marks
are smoothed out.
• If additional coats are necessary, let paint or stain dry
completely between coats.