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물김치 숙성방법 ● Mool(Water) Kimchi Ferment Method / Fermentation du Kimchi à l'eau ∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙ 에 대하여 About Samsung Damat A propos du Samsung Damatte ∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙ Fresh Plus(청정용기) 사용방법 / How to Use Fresh Plus 기 Usage du Fresh Plus (récipient rafraîchisseur) ∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙...
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제품 규격 Products Produit Standardise 제 품 규 격 항 목 / SPECIFICATION / PRODUIT STANDARDISE / ITEM / ARTICLE 준 모델명 SKR1373 SKR1773 비 Mode l/ Reference 편 유효내용적 132ℓ 174ℓ Validity of Internal Quantity Volumenet Refrigerateur 무 게...
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안전을 위한 주의사항 Precautions for Safety Conseils pour la sécurité �손상된 전원코드나, 헐거운 콘센트는 �코드부분을 잡아 당겨 빼거나 젖은 손으로 �115V 이외의 전원을 사용하거나 한개의 �전원 코드를 무리하게 구부리거나 무거운 물건에 전원플러그를 만지지 마세요. 콘센트에 여러 전기제품을 동시에 꽂아 사용하지 마세요. 눌려...
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사용자의 안전을 보호하고 재산상의 손해 등을 막기 위한 내용입니다. The Following contents are to prevent User’s Safety and damages of Property. Ceci sont des directions pour la sécurité de l'utilisateur et pour la prévention des dommages et des biens. 아래의 내용을 반드시 읽고 올바르게 사용해 주세요. Please read the following and Use it Properly.
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사용 전 꼭 알아두어야 할 사항 Factors You Should Know before Use Conseils Avant L’utilisation 본 제품은 a.c 115V전용입니다 � 본 제품은 a ∙ c 220V 전용입니다 � The product is used exclusively for a.c 115V only � Cet appareil est exclusivement pour une alimentation de 115V. 115V 전용...
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주요부분의 명칭(외부명칭) Names of Main Parts (Functional Selection Application Category) Details des Elements (Parties Exterieures) 준 비 편 좌측룸문 Left room door Porte du Compartiment Auche 우측룸문 Right room door Porte du Compartiment Droite 냄새제거제 Stench remover Desodorisateur 냉각판(쿨링커버) Cooling Cover Plaque de Refrigeration (Couvercle de Refroidissement) FreshPlus(청정용기)
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주요부분의 명칭(기능선택 사용부) Names of Main Parts (Functional Selection Application Category) Details Des Elements (Touches De Fonction) 좌측 / LEFT COMPARTIMENT GAUCHE 숙성 버튼 Ferment Button / Bouton Ferment Ation 숙성시키고 싶은 김치의 종류를 선택하는 버튼입니다. Button to select the type of Kimchi you want to age. Ceci est le bouton pour choisir la sorte de Kimchi à...
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● 저장/숙성버튼을 누른 후 저장/숙성 진행램프의 불이 점멸하다가 5초 후에 불이 켜지고 저장/숙성기능이 시작됩니다. To use diverse functions of Samsung Damat, always select when unlocked to change preserving / Ferment functions. After selecting preserving / Ferment button, ● progressing lamp for preserving / Ferment will light on after 5 seconds and starts its function.
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Attention ※ Les boutons POWER des compartiments Samsung Damatte sont construit séparément pour la possibilité de l'utilisation d'un compartiment. Reference Si vous avez seulemenet une petite quantité de kimchi ou de denrées vouz pouvez les stocker dans un compartiment et éteindre l'autre pour économiser.
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저장기능 사용방법/온도설정 Storage Function/ Temperature Set-up Utilisation Des Fonctions De Conservation Et Reglage De temperature 저장 진행 램프 Storage Progressing Lamp Voyant de Conservation 잠금/풀림 버튼 Lock/ Unlock Button Boutonf Ermer/Ouvert 저장 종류 램프 Storage Type Lamp Voyant de Mode de Conservation 저장버튼...
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김치 저장방법 Kimchi Storage Utilisation Du Bouton Power 저장 진행 램프 Storage Progressing Lamp Voyant de Conservation 잠금/풀림 버튼 Lock/ Unlock Button Boutonf Ermer/Ouvert 김치저장 선택 램프 Storage Type Lamp Bouton de Selection De Kimchi 저장버튼 Storage Button Bouton de Conservation 김치를...
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야채/과일 저장방법 Produce storage Conservatioin Des Legumes Et Des fruits 저장 진행 램프 Storage Progressing Lamp Voyant de Conservation 잠금/풀림 버튼 Lock/ Unlock Button Boutonf Ermer/Ouvert 야채/과일저장 선택 램프 Produce Selection Lamp Bouton de Selection de Legume/Fruit 저장버튼 Storage Button Bouton de Conservation 야채/과일을...
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육류/생선 저장방법 Meat/Fish storage Conservation de Viande et de Poison 저장 진행 램프 Storage Progressing Lamp Voyant de Conservation 잠금/풀림 버튼 Lock/ Unlock Button Boutonf Ermer/Ouvert 육류/생선저장 선택 램프 Meat/fish Selection Lamp Bouton de Selection de Viande/Polsson 저장버튼 Storage Button Bouton de Conservation 육류/생선을...
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햅쌀 저장방법 Storage method of the new rice Methode de Stockage de Nouveau Riz 저장 진행 램프 Storage Progressing Lamp Voyant de Conservation 잠금/풀림 버튼 Lock/ Unlock Button Boutonf Ermer/Ouvert 햅쌀저장 선택 램프 Selection Lamp for Storage of the New rice Lampe de Choix Pourle Stockage du Nouveau riz 저장버튼...
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김장김치 저장방법 Pickled Kimchi Storage Conservation du Kimchi Pour Hiver 좌측 / LEFT COMPARTIMENT GAUCHE 김장김치는 오랫동안 변하지 않게 보관하는게 중요하죠. 한겨울 내내 땅속깊은 저장 김치맛을 유지하려면 김치를 숙성시키지 마시고 다음 방법으로 저장하세요. It is important to store Pickled Kimchi unchanged for longer period. To maintain the taste of Kimchi, do not select Ferment and preserve as follows: Il est important de bien préserver le Kimchi pour hiver sans qu'il ne se fermente.
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Place Ferment Kimchi into the Kimchi Container and put it inside. Mettez le Kimchi dans le récipient exclusif de conservation de Kimchi du Samsung Damatte et stockez le dans le compartiment. (이때 저장한계선 (김치통 외벽 실선으로 표시됨)을 넘지 마십시오.) (Do not put more than the boundary line (the marked line indicated outside the Container.) ( Ne depassez pas la ligne de limite de conservation indiquée à...
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숙성기능 사용방법/표준숙성시간 Ferment Function Method/ Standard Ferment Hour Utilisation des fonctions de fermentation/ Temps standard pour fermenter 숙성진행 램프 Ferment Button Bouton Ferment Ation 디지털숙성 램프 Digital Ferment Lamp Voyant Fermentation Digitale 자연숙성 램프 Natural Ferment Lamp Voyant Fermentation Naturelle 숙성종류...
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배추김치 숙성방법 Kimchi Ferment Method Fermentation de Kimchi de choux 숙성진행 램프 Ferment Button Bouton Ferment Ation 디지털숙성 램프 Digital Ferment Lamp Voyant Fermentation Digitale 잠금/풀림 버튼 Lock/ Unlock Button Boutonf Ermer/Ouvert 배추김치 선택램프 Kimchi selection Lamp Bouton de selection de Kimchi de Choux 숙성버튼...
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무김치 숙성방법 Radish Kimchi Ferment Method Fermentation du Kimchi de navets 숙성진행 램프 Ferment Button Bouton Ferment Ation 디지털숙성 램프 Digital Ferment Lamp Voyant Fermentation Digitale 잠금/풀림 버튼 Lock/ Unlock Button Boutonf Ermer/Ouvert 무김치 선택램프 Radish Kimchi Selection Lamp Voyant de Selection de Kimchi de Navet 숙성버튼...
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물김치 숙성방법 Mool(Water) Kimchi Ferment Method Fermentation du Kimchi a l'eau 숙성진행 램프 Ferment Button Bouton Ferment Ation 디지털숙성 램프 Digital Ferment Lamp Voyant Fermentation Digitale 잠금/풀림 버튼 Lock/ Unlock Button Boutonf Ermer/Ouvert 물김치 선택 램프 Mool(Water) Kimchi selection Lamp Voyant de Selection de Kimchi A l’eau 숙성버튼...
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About Samsung Damat 에 대하여 A propos du Samsung Damatte 김장 김치맛 문/냉기단속 5면 입체 냉각방식 한 겨울 땅속 깊은 사용 편리한 The Original Ferment Taste of Kimchi 5-D Dual Cooling Cover System Easy Door/Cool Air Control Un goût exceptionnel de Kimchi pour hiver Refroidissement 3-D à...
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Container Wall and the tray of air level are set to store Kimchi and vegetable/fruit simultaneously in the same room. �Le Fresh Plus Samsung Damatte est un récipient spécial frabriqué pour la conservation des légume et des fruits. Les parois du récipient et la couche d'air du panier égouttoir permettent de conserver en même temps le Kimchi et les légumes/fruits dans le même compartiment.
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이야기 Story about Samsung Damat Histoire sur Samsung Damatte 고장 김치독 사용중에 뜨겁거나 소리가 나서 같다구요? You think your Kimchi Refrigerator is broken because there’s lousy noise or it’s hot? Le coffre à Kimchi est chaud et/ou bruyant, est-il en panne? 확인...
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이상한 김치독에서 소리가나요 There’s a Strange Noise from Kimchi Refrigerator Le coffre fait un drôle de bruit. (예:딱딱, 뚝뚝, 덜컥!, 드르럭, 웅~) ( E.g. Knocking, dripping, flumping, rumbling, or buzzing sound) (ex: cliquettement, tapotement, ferraillement, ronronnement) 김치독 좌측�우측룸의 온도를 적절하게 유지하기 위한...
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주위와 적당한 간격을 유지하여 설치하세요. ● 설치는 이렇게 Set-up in an appropriate manner with reasonable space in between and its surrounding. Laissez un espace alentour de l'appareil. 바닥이 평평한 곳에 설치 사용하세요. ● Set up Set-up in a flat surface floor. / Installez dans un endroit plat. 경사진...
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김치에 대한 일반상식 General Knowledge about Kimchi A propos du kimchi 사계절내내 가장 맛있는 김치맛을 내는 알뜰주부의 일반상식 가지 4 ways to eat delicious all through the whole 4 seasons installation Quatre secrets pour déguster un kimchi délicieux pendant toute l'année 김치가...
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김치를 더욱 맛있게 먹는방법 How to eat Kimchi more deliciously Comment déguster un kimchi succulent. 냉장고에 보관하는 것은 이상없는데 김치독에 보관한 김치에 김장 김치 빨리 시어지지 않게하려면? 군독내가 나요.? To prevent Kimchi from rapid sour taste Pour ralentir la fermentation acétique du kimchi pour hiver. Il y a pas de mauvaise odeur durant la conservation du kimchi au réfrigérateur 김장...
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김치특성표 / Figure on Specialty of Kimchi / Table des Caractéristiques du Kimchi 김치독의 4개월 보관의 의미는 무엇인지? ● What do you mean by 4 Month Storage of Kimchi Refrigerator? Que veut dire une conservation de quatre mois dans le coffre à kimchi? 김치독은...
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Caution Be careful of your hands when the door is opened and closed. If the door falls down, you may be hurt. WARNING Improper use of the grounding plug can result in a risk of electric shock. If it is necessary to use an extension cord, use only a 3-wire extension cord that has a 3-blade grounding plug and a 3-slot receptacle that will accept the plug on the appliance.