— Then underplate 136 will then be fastened to
the chassis with the self-tapping screw 137.
— Before shutting the underplate, lubricate
with 6208 grease the gear and the axles bea-
— Fasten to the wheels starting from the front
one the side rods 146 and 149 with the hexa-
gonal headed bolts 145 and 150 on the front
and rear wheel, placing underneath between
wheel and rod the washer 152. On the rear
wheel place also the späcer 151.
— Insert in the cylinder block the valve gear
guides and the pistons of the right 114 and
left 115 valve gear and fix with screw 112
and washer 167 the valve gear breckets to
the chassis.
— On the central wheel crank-pin place now:
the washer 154 of bigger diameter than those
used for the other wheels, the spacer 153
and the side rods one over the other as indi-
cated in the assembly diagram. Place then
the second spacer 148.
— Finally fit the eccentric crank on the crank-
pin with its end looking towards the centre
of the wheel. Tighten then the hexagonal
headed bolt 147.
— After having assembled in a similar way the
right valve gear, ensure that the movement is
free and without hard points. Lubricate with
Rivarossi 6209 oil.
— Fasten now the motor 162 to the chassis and
fix it with screws 157. by interposing bet-
ween motor shaft and worm gear the joint
165 and spacers 161.
— Wire up as indicated in the assembly diagram
leaving on the left brush-holder about 1" of
lead extension on which will be slipped the
insulating tube 163 and soldered the plug
— Fasten then the body to the chassis by inser-
ting first the rear pegs of the underframe in
their seats inside the boiler and then lower
the front part of it on the cylinders saddle.
Fix then the assembly with screw 134
screwed in the nut fixed to the weight.
— Cement the small hand-wheel 110 on the
smoke box end 108.
— Complete this last one with handrail and bra-
ckets 109 and 101.
— Fasten the vertical handrails 119 and 120 by
inserting them in the holes provided in the
front platform and foot bridges.
— Fasten now the front truck 138 using the
selftapping screw 137 and hooking up the
spring 139.
— Fasten then the rear truck and the draw bar
144 by means of the long self-tapping screw
140 and washer with collar 141, fitting bet-
ween the contact blade 142 which must
press over the truck shaft.
Assembly of the tender- fig. 2
— Cement the round 221 and flat 222 buffers.
— Fasten to the left side the handrails 220.
— Assemble now the coupler as indicated in fig.
a) Place part 209 on part 210.
b) Place part 211 so that the tongue lies on
the hook and the lateral holes are aligned
with those of parts 209 and 210.
Insert the split-pin in the holes and open
its two ends.
(For information concerning the pre-un-
coupling see the Rivarossi general catalo-
— Fasten the coupler 216 to the tender under-
frame 206 by means of the self-tapping
screw 214 and washer 215.
Insert in the holes of the weight 204 the
three plungers 217 pushing them well inside.
— Place in its seat the draw bar pin 205 and the
insulating disc 204. Fasten then the weight
203 and weight blades 218 by fixing it to
the chassis with screw 207 and nut 219.
— Insert the axles with wheels 208 and the cen-
tral one with cylindrical ends 213 in their
bearings by forcing slightly the journal
boxes. Lubricate with a drop of 6209 oil.
— Fasten now the tender body by inserting
first the rear peg of the chassis in the small
vent of the tender body and tighten the
threaded bush 201 which is screwed in the
weight. (For operating the loco one must in-
sert in the threaded bush 201 the plug of the
,lead coming from the motor).
From time to time it is necessary to clean the
wheels which pick up the current from the
track for the motor and the light.
Turn upside-down the loco and clean the wheel
rims with a rag moisted with petrol. Do not
touch plastic parts which the petrol could da-
For replacing the motor brushes lift gently the
brush springs, extract the worn ones and repla-
ce them with original ones (Rivarossi 109550).
Their respective position is indifferent for the
motor operation.
After a long working period it will be necessary
to lubricate the moving parts by using:
Rivarossi 6208 grease
Rivarossi 6209 vaseline oil
Rivarossi 6211 special oil
a) Motor lubrication.
One drop of 6211 oil is sufficient on both the
motor bearings.
b) Transmission lubrication
From time to time lubricate the worm with
6208 Rivarossi grease.
C) Valve gear lubrication
Put a drop of 6209 Rivarossi oil on the wheel
bearings and valve gear articulations by using a
small painting brush.
Maximum voltage: 12 V d.c.
Max. current absorption at 12 V after a short
running in: 0,45 Amp.
S.p.A. - COMO (ITALIA) - 3-75/11977-1