Warn ngs (for us ng R290 refr gerant only)
8. Repa r to ntr ns cally safe components
Do not apply any permanent nduct ve or capac tance loads to the
c rcu t w thout ensur ng that th s w ll not exceed the perm ss ble
voltage and current perm tted for the equ pment n use. Intr ns cally
safe components are the only types that can be worked on wh le
l ve n the presence of a flammable atmosphere. The test apparatus
shall be at the correct rat ng. Replace components only w th parts
spec f ed by the manufacturer. Other parts may result n the gn t on
of refr gerant n the atmosphere from a leak.
9. Cabl ng
Check that cabl ng w ll not be subject to wear, corros on, excess ve
pressure, v brat on, sharp edges or any other adverse env ronmental
effects. The check shall also take nto account the effects of ag ng
or cont nual v brat on from sources such as compressors or fans.
10. Detect on of flammable refr gerants
Under no c rcumstances shall potent al sources of gn t on be used
n the search ng for or detect on of refr gerant leaks. A hal de torch
(or any other detector us ng a naked flame) shall not be used.
11. Leak detect on methods
The follow ng leak detect on methods are deemed acceptable
for systems conta n ng flammable refr gerants. Electron c leak
detectors shall be used to detect flammable refr gerants, but
the sens t v ty may not be adequate, or may need re-cal brat on.
(Detect on equ pment shall be cal brated n a refr gerant-free
area.) Ensure that the detector s not a potent al source of gn t on
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Local air conditioner