Warn ngs (for us ng R290 refr gerant only)
The charge s ze s n accordance w th the room s ze w th n wh ch
the refr gerant conta n ng parts are nstalled;
The vent lat on mach nery and outlets are operat ng adequately and
are not obstructed;
If an nd rect refr gerat ng c rcu t s be ng used, the secondary c rcu t
shall be checked for the presence of refr gerant; Mark ng to the
equ pment cont nues to be v s ble and leg ble. Mark ngs and s gns
that are lleg ble shall be corrected;
Refr gerat on p pe or components are nstalled n a pos t on where
they are unl kely to be exposed to any substance wh ch may corrode
refr gerant conta n ng components, unless the components are
constructed of mater als wh ch are nherently res stant to be ng
corroded or are su tably protected aga nst be ng so corroded.
9) Checks to electr cal dev ces
Repa r and ma ntenance to electr cal components shall nclude
n t al safety checks and component nspect on procedures. If a
fault ex sts that could comprom se safety, then no electr cal supply
shall be connected to the c rcu t unt l t s sat sfactor ly dealt w th.
If the fault cannot be corrected mmed ately but t s necessary to
cont nue operat on, an adequate temporary solut on shall be used.
Th s shall be reported to the owner of the equ pment so all part es
are adv sed.
In t al safety checks shall nclude:
That capac tors are d scharged: th s shall be done n a safe manner
to avo d poss b l ty of spark ng;
14 / 224 EN
Local air conditioner