Page 1 If you're having difficulty, our friendly customer team is always here to help. I T A :cs.i t THIS INSTRUCTION BOOKLET CONTAINS IMPORTANT SAFETY INFORMATION. PLEASE READ AND KEEP FOR FUTURE REFERENCE.
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Before You Start Avant de Commencer Please read all instructions carefully. Veuillez lire attentivement toutes les instructions. Retain instructions for future reference. Conservez les instructions pour vous y référer ultérieurement. Separate and count all parts and hardware. Vérifiez toutes les pièces et les accessoires. Read through each step carefully and follow the proper order.
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Prima di Iniziare Si prega di leggere attentamente tutte le istruzioni. Conservare le istruzioni per riferimento futuro. Separare e contare tutte le parti e gli accessori. Leggere attentamente ogni passo e seguire l'ordine corretto. Si consiglia, ove possibile, di assemblare tutti gli articoli vicino alla zona in cui verranno posti in uso, per evitare di spostare inutilmente il prodotto una volta assemblato.
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Place box on a flat surface and take the wedge pillow out Cut the outer bag / Legen Sie die Box auf eine ebene Fläche und nehmen Sie / Schneiden Sie die äußere Tasche. das Keilkissen heraus. / Coupez le sac extérieur / Placez la boîte sur une surface plane et retirez l’oreiller compensé...
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Roll flat the compressed wedge pillow set Carefully cut the plastic bag / Rollen Sie das komprimierte Keilkissenset flach. / Schneide die Plastiktüte vorsichtig auf. / Roulez à plat l’ensemble d’oreiller compensé compressé / Coupez soigneusement le sac en plastique / Desenrolle en plano el juego de almohadas de cuña / Corte con cuidado la bolsa de plástico.
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Take out all parts and let them take into full shape for 48H Put them together and enjoy it! / Alle Teile herausnehmen und 48 Std. lang in voller Form annehmen lassen. / Dann zusammenbauen und genießen! / Retirez toutes les pièces et laissez-les prendre en forme / Mettez-les ensemble et profitez-en! pendant 48H / ¡Luego póngalas juntas y disfrute!
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Demonstrations/Demonstrationen/Démonstrations /Demostraciones/Dimostrazioni/Warianty użytkowania EN: 1. Home Office Just fold it completely and it will become a bedside table in the bedroom, a side table in the living room, a shoe changing bench in the hallway, or a computer desk in bed. You can give full play to your creativity to develop more ways to use it.
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EN: 4. Single Bed EN: 3. Chaise Lounge When you drive your car and go camping, take it out from your car trunk, When you drive your car and go camping, take it out from your car trunk, and you will get a single bed for camping, or a table for a picnic. and you will get a lounger for sunbathing.
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Care Instruction Instructions d'Entretien You can vacuum the surface of your wedge pillow set every time you Vous pouvez passer l'aspirateur sur la surface de votre ensemble change your bed sheets, which is ideally once a week, to remove dead skin d'oreillers compensés chaque fois que vous changez vos draps, cells, hair, and other particles from the pillow.
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Istruzioni per la Manutenzione Si può aspirare la superficie del tuo set di cuscini a cuneo ogni volta che cambiare le lenzuola, che è idealmente una volta alla settimana, per rimuovere le cellule morte della pelle, i capelli e altre particelle dal cuscino. Return / Damage Claim Instructions L'aspirazione assicurerà...
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Instructions De Retour / Réclamation De Dommages Istruzioni Per La Restituzione / Reclamo Per Danni NE PAS jeter la boîte/l'emballage d'origine. NON scartare la scatola / confezione originale. Dans le cas où un retour est requis, l'article doit être retourné dans sa boîte Nel caso in cui sia richiesto un reso, l'articolo deve essere restituito nella scatola d'origine.