8. Ensure the connector cover is refitted after charging
9. When charging an empty battery the charger may revert to trickle charge as a
precaution to prevent damaging the battery.
Battery Charge/Status Indication
To check the battery charge status, tilt the
foot down vertically and hold stationary
for 4 seconds. The LED at the rear of the
Elan will flash blue, 1-3 times (see table)
to indicate the charge status and then
repeat. Tilt the foot again to check the
battery status again.
Note: this feature can be switched off, see
Section 14 > Options.
3 flashes
2 flashes
1 flash
Elan Status Indication
1 Single Flash
When the charger is disconnected the LED will flash once to indicate correct start up.
2 Continuous Flash
If the LED flashes continuously after disconnection this may indicate an error has
been detected. To reset the Elan, reconnect and then disconnect the charger the
Elan should flash once to indicate correct start up. If the Elan will not reset contact
your service provider.
3 Alternate Long-Short Flash
Indicates Battery shutdown; If this is seen shortly after an adequate charging period,
contact your service provider a battery service may be required.
Battery Charge
After charging the Elan the LED
may indicate 2 or 3 flashes this
will depend on the charging
time, the age and condition of
the battery.