Channel Scan
Scan Mode: By Channel and By Frequency. Either
alternative shall be fine for scan.
Scan Band: VHF/ UHF available.
Ch No. : Channel 5~12 ( VHF), and Channel 21~69
Frequency: 174~230 MHz (VHF), 470~862 MHz
(UHF) are available. (The frequency system can be
set automatically according to different regions, and
the actual frequency point should be referred to the
Band Width: There are three options: 6 MHz, 7
MHz, and 8 MHz.
Move the cursor here and press OK, then a information box shall appear indicating the scanning
process. Pressing EXIT button allows you to cancel scan and quit current interface.
The scan process box shows the progress of scan by percentage of completion. On the top there is
detail about Scan Band, Frequency, Demodulation modes, Channel No, Transmission mode and
Guard Interval etc.. Below are the scanned TV channel list and radio channel list displayed in two
Only when Scan Mode is set to "By Channel", can Scan Band and Ch No be ready for setup.
Only when Scan Mode is set to " By Frequency", can Frequency and Band Width be set.
Tuner Setting
Tuner power: On / Off
Alternative "On " indicates enablement of active antenna
(5V DC); and 'Off' does not.
HRT 1300