Patterns in acrylic
For objects which have been fabricated either entirely or only partly in Pattern Resin we
recommend the following heating methods:
the part-speed technique (= up to 700 °C speed-preheating, then heat at 5 °C / min
up to the final temperature) or
by using the conventional heating method.
Basically, patterns in acrylic should always be coated with wax.
S af e ty i ns tr u c tio ns
Investment powder contains silica ( SiO
If used carelessly, quartz powder may be inhaled and cause silicosis after a period of time.
Therefore, please note the following:
Tear the bag open along the laser seal and pour the powder into the mixing vessel,
if possible without creating dust.
Wear a fine particle mask when handling investment powder, especially when divesting.
Always moisten investment powder to clean it off benches etc.
Always use a sandblaster with fine particle filter for sandblasting.
Ge n e r a l i n st ru c tio ns
Please note that the mixing liquid is sensitive to frost.
As shipping mixing liquid is problematic during winter, it is advisable to stock adequate amounts.
The expiry date of Wilavest quick Powder and mixing liquid is 2 years from the date of manufacture.