heatInG OPeratIOn
First start-up
Before heating for the fi rst time, the installation of the viewing window on the Kanuk® hot-air stoves must be che-
cked. The screws for the pane holders on the front of the fi rebox door may only be tightened to the extent that the
pane can still be moved. If the pane is too tight, the pressure of the brackets may cause stress cracks.
note: Kanuk® Original ovens are coated with high-quality, heat-resistant paint. When the hot-air stoves are fi rst
fi red up, there may be a slight development of steam and odor due to the baking of the paint. Therefore, open
doors and windows when heating up for the fi rst time.
Lighting the fi replace
Open the primary air damper (pull the regulator forward), the secondary air damper (move the regulator to the
horizontal position) and the furnace door completely.
Use logs stacked crosswise in the combustion chamber for lighting.
attention: Depending on the Kanuk model, a diff erent stacking method must be observed (see Fig. a and Fig.
For Kanuk 7 kW, 9,5 kW, 10 kW & 13 kW:
Place two large logs crosswise in the oven and stack
two more lengthwise on top. If necessary, another small
log can be placed crosswise on the top level.
This video
shows how to properly fi re the Kanuk® Original.
note: For optimal chimney draft must quickly reach a high heat, so do not put too few logs in the stove. 3-4 logs
correspond to about 10 kW (1 log of 30 cm and 1 kg weight corresponds to about 3 kW). In case of bad draught,
a high temperature can be reached at fi rst with two logs and kindling wood. In case of weather fl uctuations and
disturbance of the negative pressure, it may be necessary to light a decoy fi re in the Schonstein! Please consult
your local chimney sweep.
Place lighting aids (e.g. 2-3 pieces of waxed wood wool) under the logs and light them with a long match or a stick
Kanuk GmbH • Obercunnersdorfer Str. 4 • 01774 Klingenberg
KanUK OrIGInal Heating oPeration
For Kanuk 15 kW, 18 kW, 22 kW & 26 kW:
Place two logs lengthwise in the stove, stack several
small logs of kindling across them and two large logs
lengthwise over them.