Cúpula para escalar premium grande con tobogán (32 pages)
Sommaire des Matières pour Plum Treasure Beach Wooden Sand Pit
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Treasure Beach Wooden Sand Pit Assembly Instructions bac à sable en bois treasure beach Instructions de montage cajón de arena de madera playa del tesoro Instrucciones de montaje sabbiera in legno treasure beach Istruzioni di montaggio Holzsandkasten „Treasure Beach“ Montageanleitung...
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EN Thank you for purchasing from Plum barnen frihet och låter föräldrarna slippa oro. IS Þakka þér fyrir að versla við Plum ® ® Plum are the playtime specialists providing Plum eru leikjasérfræðingar sem útvega elds- ® ® NL Bedankt dat u een product van Plum ®...
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EN Advisory Section Develop openings (gaps, slits, apertures, cracks, splits) along the line of the grain. These openings are due to the difference in moisture content between the internal and outer surfaces of the To ensure the safety of you, the installer and your children, it is timber.
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46kg 93kg D3352 M3.5 x 35 420 x 75 x 17mm 35mm FIX0155 D3353 420 x 75 x 17mm H363 D3354 540 x 99 x 17mm H364 D3355 150 x 62 x 62mm 02089_Treasure_Beach_Sandpit_IM_100201A108_UK_EU.indd 4 02089_Treasure_Beach_Sandpit_IM_100201A108_UK_EU.indd 4 13/07/2023 08:14:34 13/07/2023 08:14:34...
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D3352 420 x 75 x 17mm D3355 150 x 62 x 62mm M3.5 x 35 35mm D3352 420 x 75 x 17mm D3353 420 x 75 x 17mm M3.5 x 35 35mm 02089_Treasure_Beach_Sandpit_IM_100201A108_UK_EU.indd 5 02089_Treasure_Beach_Sandpit_IM_100201A108_UK_EU.indd 5 13/07/2023 08:14:34 13/07/2023 08:14:34...
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D3352 420 x 75 x 17mm M3.5 x 35 35mm D3352 420 x 75 x 17mm M3.5 x 35 35mm 02089_Treasure_Beach_Sandpit_IM_100201A108_UK_EU.indd 6 02089_Treasure_Beach_Sandpit_IM_100201A108_UK_EU.indd 6 13/07/2023 08:14:34 13/07/2023 08:14:34...
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D3352 420 x 75 x 17mm M3.5 x 35 35mm D3354 540 x 99 x 17mm M3.5 x 35 35mm 02089_Treasure_Beach_Sandpit_IM_100201A108_UK_EU.indd 7 02089_Treasure_Beach_Sandpit_IM_100201A108_UK_EU.indd 7 13/07/2023 08:14:35 13/07/2023 08:14:35...
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FR Consignes de sécurité 1. Cubra siempre el cajón de arena cuando no se esté utilizando para evitar que animales no deseados jueguen en él. 2. La cubierta del cajón de arena no es un juguete y los niños no Pour garantir votre sécurité...
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Verificare regolarmente la posizione dell’oggetto. Spielbereich hygienisch bleibt. 8. Bewahren Sie das Produkt bei Wind und ungünstigen 4. Se tuttavia dovesse formarsi una pozzanghera al centro, togliere Wetterverhältnissen an einem sicheren Ort auf. Das Produkt kann l’acqua. L’acqua stagnante può costituire un pericolo per i bambini. unter diesen Umständen eine Gefahr darstellen.
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förrän efter fullständig montering pga • små delar - kvävningsrisk 需成人组装 • Montering av en vuxen krävs • Tillsyn av en vuxen rekommenderas 随时确保成年人监督 alltid • Endast för hemmabruk • Endast för utomhusbruk • Högsta 仅供家庭使用 användarvikt 50kgs • Gör inga ändringar på produkten, det kan leda till 仅供户外使用...
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Plum will meet the cost of all agreed and party. validated claims.
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WORK WITH US We are always looking for new innovations and ideas to grow our brand. If you have an idea or concept, please visit www.plumplay.co.uk/inventors 02089_Treasure_Beach_Sandpit_IM_100201A108_UK_EU.indd 15 02089_Treasure_Beach_Sandpit_IM_100201A108_UK_EU.indd 15 13/07/2023 08:14:35 13/07/2023 08:14:35...
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Plum Products Ltd, The Cliff, Middle Street, Ingham, Lincolnshire, LN1 2YQ, UK Tel: +44 (0) 344 880 5302 https://www.plumplay.co.uk/contact-us www.plumplay.co.uk Plum Products Australia Pty Ltd, Suite 303, 156 Military Road, Neutral Bay, NSW 2089, Australia Tel: (02) 8968 2200 Email: Aushelpdesk@plumplay.com www.plumplay.com.au...