Procedure for reuse .................................................... 18
When you receive your Gemino ................................ 19
Using the rollator ........................................................ 19
Adjusting the rollator .................................................. 19
Safety ........................................................................... 20
Maintenance ............................................................... 20
Technical specifications ............................................ 21
Disposal / Recycling of Materials ............................. 21
Guarantee .................................................................... 22
For Gemino with Conpal
SpeedControl wheels, this manual
is only valid in combination with
the SpeedControl user manual.
Procedure for reuse
Checklist before reuse
The rollator is intended/fit for reuse.
Check that the brakes function correctly
Adjust the brakes if necessary
Check that the brake levers are in the correct position
Clean the brake blocks
Clean the brake springs
Check that the wheels are in good condition and that they
have not been damaged
Replace any damaged or worn wheels
Check that all moving parts are working
Check and if necessary adjust all screwed connections
Check the wheel suspension and change if necessary
Ensure the rollator is clean and hygienic
Check that the seat is in good condition and it has not been
Replace damaged seat
9012444 Gemino 30 Carbon Comfort
Congratulations on your choice of new rollator
Quality and functionality are keywords for all Sunrise Medical products.
We are very keen to receive any feedback from you about your
experiences of using this rollator. In this way we can produce an even
better product.
For your own safety, and in order to derive the greatest benefit from the
features of your new rollator, we recommend that you read this user
manual carefully before you start to use the rollator.
The management system of SUNRISE MEDICAL is certified to ISO
13485 and ISO 14001.
Gemino in brief:
It is easy to adjust Gemino to the needs of individual users. Gemino is
equipped with stable wheels that roll easily and brakes that are easy to
use. Gemino can be folded for easier transport.
Intended Use:
Gemino is designed as walking aid for people with mobility limitations
for use both indoor and outdoor on a flat and firm surface. The seat
offers the option to take a rest during a longer walk. It is not intended
for any other purpose e.g. climbing aid or carrying heavy loads.
The following specific indications are determined:
• Joint contractures/joint injuries
• Illnesses such as heart and circulation deficiencies, disturbance of
equilibrium or cachexia as well as for elderly people who still have
strength in the upper and lower body.
The rollator shall not be used in case of:
• Perception disorder
• Severe disequilibrium
• Paralysis
• Joint contracture or joint damage on both arms
Please note that driving a rollator requires sufficient cognitive,
physical and visual skills. The user must be able to assess the effects
of actions during the operation of the rollator and, if necessary, to
correct them. These capabilities and the safe use of the additionally
attached components cannot be assessed by Sunrise Medical as a
manufacturer. We cannot accept any liability for any damage resulting
from this.
Please refer to the operating instructions of the rollator and the
additionally mounted components. Instruct the user in the safe use of
the rollator and the additionally mounted components. Inform users of
specific warnings that need to be read, understood, and respected.