11. If no leaking is found, you can also put the UV into operation by plugging it
into the power outlet. The UV-C lamp, which is on the control panel under
the lever (I), will turn blue.
Replacing the UV lamp: (Figures 5 and 6, page 4)
1. Replace the UV-C lamp (20) after 7000 service hours or when the water
starts turning green again.
2. Unplug the UV-C and pump from the power outlet to turn them off.
WARNING! UV-C light is harmful to skin and eyes, always switch off the UV-C lamp
before replacing the UV-C lamp.
3. Remove the handle (23).
4. Loosen the 6 screws of the cover plate (2).
5. Lift the cover plate (2) with UV-C lamp (20) out of the cover (9) and quartz
glass (21).
6. Remove the plastic clip and remove the UV-C lamp (20) from the holder
7. Replace the UV-C lamp (20) with the appropriate type as indicated on the
lamp or lamp label. The wrong UV-C lamp type can cause quick failure
and also result in damage to other components of the pressure filter. Hold
the new UV-C lamp with a clean cloth.
8. Place the UV-C lamp (20) into the holder (19) and put the plastic clip back
9. Carefully place the cover plate (2) with UV-C lamp (20) back on the cover
(9) and in the quartz glass (21).
10. Tighten the 6 screws of the cover plate (2).
11. Put the pump into operation by plugging it into the power outlet.
12. If no leaking is found, you can also put the UV into operation by plugging it
into the power outlet. The UV-C lamp, which is on the control panel under
the lever (I), will turn blue.
Cleaning or replacing the quartz glass (Figures 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9, page 7)
1. If the water remains green, even after the UV-C lamp has been replaced,
you may need to clean the quartz glass. A dirty quartz glass reduces UV-C
light intensity.
2. Unplug the UV-C and pump from the power outlet to turn them off.
WARNING! UV-C light is harmful to skin and eyes, always turn off the UV-C lamp
before replacing.
3. Remove the handle (23).
4. Loosen the 6 screws of the cover plate (2).
5. Lift the cover plate (2) with UV-C lamp (20) out of the cover (9) and quartz
glass (21).
6. Using four fingers, carefully pull the quartz glass (21) out of the cover (9).
Do not use tools (see Figure 7) (write down the positions of the black (A)
and red (B) O-ring or take a picture).
7. If you cannot remove the quartz glass (21) in this way:
9. Open the pressure filter by removing the clamping edge on top of it.
10. Remove the black cap (32) to pull out the filter foam (26+27) (write down
the order or take a picture to remember it)
11. Take out the screw from the quartz glass protective tube (22) and remove
it from the cover (9) (Figure 8).
12. Push the quartz glass (21) gently out of the cover (9). Do not use tools
(see Figure 7). (write down the positions of the black (A) and red (B) O-ring
or take a picture)
13. Place the quartz glass protective tube (22) back on the cover (9) and
tighten the screw back on.