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Liens rapides

acro n open
100280814_N200000089 (brushed)
100280844_N200000091 (brushed)
Carretera CV-20 km.2 · 12540 Vila-real · Castellón · Spain
Tel: +34 964 50 64 50 - Fax: +34 964 50 67 93
e-mail: noken@noken.com · www.noken.com
nk concept
100258832_N197503676 (brushed)
100299120_N197503905 (brushed)
Project Line
Smart Box UNO
acro n
100281097_N199998879 (brushed)
100281132_N199998816 (brushed)



Sommaire des Matières pour noken 100209471_N200000004

  • Page 1 100280845_N199998881 100299120_N197503905 (brushed) 100281153_N200000134 100281132_N199998816 (brushed) 100280844_N200000091 (brushed) Project Line Smart Box UNO Carretera CV-20 km.2 · 12540 Vila-real · Castellón · Spain Tel: +34 964 50 64 50 - Fax: +34 964 50 67 93 e-mail: noken@noken.com · www.noken.com...
  • Page 2 Antes de la instalación y la puesta en funcionamiento ¡Cuidado! Los tubos de alimentación tienen que ser enjuagados escrupulosamente antes de instalar el dispositivo de manera que no haya virutas, residuos de soldadura o cáñamo u otras impurezas al interior de los tubos. A través de los tubos no perfectamente enjuagados o de la red hídrica general pueden entrar en el dispositivo unos cuerpos extraños que pueden dañar guarniciones/juntas tóricas.
  • Page 3 - Lea atentamente estas instrucciones antes de comenzar la instalación. - Compruebe el producto por si faltasen piezas o estuviesen dañadas. - Cualquier alteración que se realice a la grifería invalidará la garantía. - Le recomendamos la instalación por parte de personal cualificado. - En nuevas construcciones se deben llenar los sifones de inodoros, lavabos y bidés de agua para evitar que la grifería se oxide por efecto de la subida de gases corrosivos.
  • Page 4 mood lounge 100161411 - N199999332 100140134 - N199999482 100268602 - N199998915 100281097 - N199998879 (brushed) 100280845 - N199998881 100281132 - N199998816 (brushed) forma nk concept 100140104 - N199999387 100140118 - N199999401 nk-logic nk-one 100123921 - N194710549 100123926 - N199999565...
  • Page 5 100123919 - N172390033 100123930 - N199999591 100123929 - N199999592 100123931 - N199999593 acro n open hotels 100123936 - N172390035 100123922 - N194710548 mini-plus round 100123937 - N140140066 100209471_N200000004 100210540_N200000010...
  • Page 6 Lignage Curve 100256472 - N197503622 100258812 - N195591310 100258767 - N197503671 100258832 - N197503676 (brushed) 100299120_N197503905 (brushed) Square 100283352 - N113700077 100266828 - N186490050 100283353 - N113700078 100266837 - N186490049 100283360 - N113700082 RONDO 100285263 - N185709946 100267005 - N299998380 100281139 - N200000105 100280814 - N200000089 (brushed) 100281153 - N200000134...
  • Page 7 Project Line 100107937_N194710510 100108400_N207000044 100048506_N299999909 100108411_N207000043 100114972_N299999229...
  • Page 8 Project Line...
  • Page 9 Project Line Min.-Max. 0,5 - 5 bar Max. 70 Brass Max. 0,25 100108188 caudal / flow rate / débit (l/min.) presión / pressure / caudal / pression flow rate / (bar) débit (l/min.) 12,3 16,8 26,5 presión / pressure / pression (bar)
  • Page 10 Project Line-Smart Box mood 100161411 - N199999332 100108411_N207000043 100112836_N201380016 100116733_N240550066 100170315_N282000091 lounge 100140134 - N199999482 100268602 - N199998915 100281097 - N199998879 (brushed) 100280845 - N199998881 100281132 - N199998816 (brushed) 100281097_N199998879 100281132_N199998816 100140134_N199999482 100268602_N199998915 100280845_N199998881 (BRUSHED) (BRUSHED) 100108411_N207000043 100289399_N299998127 100289413_N299998118 100289412_N299998128 100289406_N299998129 100170316_N299998870 100289344_N299998138...
  • Page 11 Project Line-Smart Box urban 100123930 - N199999591 100123929 - N199999592 100123931 - N199999593 100108411_N207000043 100148170_N299999108 100148124_N299999107 100112836_N201380016 100148131_N299999106 100148125_N299999105 100144330_N299999056 100149210_N299999047 100149193_N299999046 100115004_N268830066 100148127_N299999100 100148128_N299999099 hotels 100123922 - N194710548 100108411_N207000043 100112836_N201380016 100144328_N299999052 100112839_N201380018 forma 100140118 - N199999401 100108411_N207000043 100112836_N201380016 100155237_N476000030 100155235_N476000029...
  • Page 12 Project Line-Smart Box nk-one 100123926 - N199999565 100108411_N207000043 100108399_N207000045 100108410_N207000041 100049521_N273170019 acro n 100123919 - N172390033 100108411_N207000043 100112836_N201380016 100108410_N207000041 100083475_N272510120 acro n open 100123936 - N172390035 100108411_N207000043 100108399_N207000045 100108410_N207000041 100083474_N272510119...
  • Page 13 Project Line-Smart Box nk-logic 100123921 - N194710549 100108411_N207000043 100108399_N207000045 100108410_N207000041 100115002_N240550064 nk concept 100140104 - N199999387 100108411_N207000043 100155239_N299998943 100155236_N299998945 100155202_N299998936 round 100209471_N200000004 100210540_N200000010 100108411_N207000043 100148124_N299999107 100112836_N201380016 100148125_N299999105 100212015_N299998655 100211989_N299998661 100212031_N299998659 100212025_N299998660...
  • Page 14 Project Line-Smart Box lignage 100256472_N197503622 100258767_N197503671 100258832_N197503676 (brushed) 100299120_N197503905 (brushed) 100108411_N207000043 100270375_N197503740 100289406_N299998129 100299106_N197503916 100112836_N201380016 100270403_N197503749 100289361_N299998113 100299102_N197503902 100212015_N299998655 100270349_N197503750 100289398_N298716701 100299095_N197503917 100268641_N197503728 100270374_N197503741 100289360_N299998142 100299077_N197503910 curve 100258812 - N195591310 100108411_N207000043 100112836_N201380016 100212015_N299998655 100268621_N197503726 square 100266828 - N186490050 100266837 - N186490049 100108411_N207000043 100148124_N299999107 100108399_N207000045...
  • Page 15 Project Line-Smart Box 100283352_N113700077 100283353_N113700078 100283360_N113700082 100283352_N113700077 100283353_N113700078 100283360_N113700082 100108411_N207000043 100148124_N299999107 100286339_N206787268 100286396_N206787267 100286424_N206787310 100286517_N206787303 100286537_N206787304 100286538_N206787306 100286425_N206787269 100286480_N206787314 100286397_N206787271 100284534_N186490154 RONDO 100285263_N185709946 100267005_N299998380 100281139_N200000105 100280814_N200000089 (brushed) 100281153_N200000134 100280844_N200000091 (brushed) 100283352_N113700077 100267005_N299998380 100281139_N200000105 100108411_N207000043 100148124_N299999107 100289399_N299998127 100112836_N201380016 100148125_N299999105 100289345_N299998135 100212015_N299998655 100211989_N299998661 100289378_N299998116 100289407_N299998124...
  • Page 16 Smart Box...
  • Page 17 Smart Box...
  • Page 18 Smart Box Tº max = 60ºC 10 9 8 7 6 Nº Tª máx (ºC) 60,0 60,0 60ºC 15ºC 57,9 3 bar. 3 bar. 53,0 48,2 43,1 37,1 31,2 25,5 20,4 16,0 Tº max = 16ºC...
  • Page 19 Smart Box Min.-Max. 0,5 - 5 bar Max. 70 Brass Max. 0,25 Pressure (Bar) FLOW RATE (l/min) 12,1 17,8 22,1 26,3 29,6 PRESSURE (bar)
  • Page 20 - Si es necesario puede usar su limpiador anti-cal habitual, pero lea primero las instrucciones del fabricante y tras su uso enjuague siempre la grifería con agua limpia. - Para proteger la mecánica de la grifería y alargar la vida útil de ésta, Noken recomienda la instalación de llaves de paso con filtros.
  • Page 21 BRASSWARE AND ACCESSORIES First of all we thank you for buying our products which are manufactured to the highest standards. However in common with other products our brassware requires the correct cleaning and periodic maintenance. BRASSWARE SURFACES As stated in the norm DIN EN 248 the materials used to plate brassware are Chrome, Nickel, stainless steel, brass and others to leave a superior, easy to clean, pleasing finish.
  • Page 22 ROBINETTERIES ET ACCESSOIRES Tout d’abord, nous tenons à vous remercier pour avoir choisi un produit Noken. Tous nous produits sont fabriqués dans le but de donner un service fiable durant de nombreuses années. Pour assurer une image impeccable de votre salle de bains, nos robinetteries, comme celles d’autres fabricants, nécessitent un soin et un entretien approprié.
  • Page 23 - Se necessário, pode utilizar o produto de limpeza anti-calcáreo usual , mas devem –se ler as instruções do fabricante em primeiro lugar e só depois utilizar , lavar sempre a torneira com água limpa. - Para proteger a mecânica da torneira e prolongar a vida útil da mesma, Noken recomenda a instalação de válvulas com filtros.
  • Page 24 FDP_30-1-0515-100140134_100161411_100140118_100140104_100123919_100123936_100123921_100123926_100123937_100123930_100123922-0521-7 www.noken.com Para consultar la garantía u otra información relativa a este producto, visitar nuestra web: For a warranty or other information on this product, visit our Web address: Pour obtenir une garantie ou d’autres informations sur ce produit, visitez notre site web...