Ensuring the Right Conditions for Maturing your Wine
Laying down your wine and letting it mature require certain conditions:
• Temperature Control: extremes of temperature and temperature fluctuations
are your wine's worst enemies.
=> Thanks to its electronic control system, your EuroCave CL-A/B air
conditioner switches on as soon as the temperature in the cellar rises one
degree above the set temperature. In addition, the heater built in to the air
supply protects your wine against any major drop in temperature.
• Hygrometry: for the corks to continue to provide an effective seal, it is
essential to provide the right moisture conditions.
=> That is why, in your EuroCave CL-A/B air conditioner, the condensation
produced when the air cools in your cellar is collected in a tray and then used
if necessary to humidify the cellar. The degree of moisture can be maintained
at a relative humidity of 60 to 80%. These values can vary according to outside
humidity and the configuration of your cellar.
• Vibration-free: your EuroCave CL-A/B air conditioner is designed to absorb
virtually all of the vibration caused by the compressor through the use of shock
mounts and the fact that the air conditioner rests on an impervious anti-
vibration foam base.
• Darkness: your cellar must always be kept as dark as possible, like an
underground cave, so that the wine cannot be harmed by ultraviolet rays.
How the Air Conditioner Works
Hot Air
Outside the Cellar
Cellar Interior
(heated if necessary)
Hot Air
Hot Air