Tempertture aetting between 60°C tnd 250° through the knob
controli ptneli. Etch zone ctn be aet individutliliy.
Display of specific message
The device is extremely safe. It makes a permanent control of the values of temperature and other electric para-
meters to guarantee to the user the best level of performance and safety at every moment.
A flashing error code « Fx » can appear on the display to warn about a malfunctioning.
The code error flashing is effective as long as the user doesn't stop the device manually unplug and replug the
unit, and then relaunch the device using the « On/Off » touch.
If a code error becomes permanent without having the possibility of cancelling it by trying to relaunch the device,
it is advised to get in touch with the after-sales service specified by the retailer of the product.