Anti-Theft System
This unit is equipped with a removable face plate. By re¬
moving this face plate, the radio becomes totally inoper¬
To Remove the Removable Face Plate
0 Switch off the power.
) Press the release button [;#;]. The removable face
plate will be released. (• Fig. 1)
(3) Remove the removable face plate by pulling on the
right side of the unit. (■* Fig. 2) Place the removable
face plate in a supplied case.
0 As shown in Fig. 3, insert the removable face plate with the arrow pointing toward the removable
face plate case 0 until you hear a "click". Keep the removable face plate in the case. Then, you
can bring the plate safety.
To install the Removable Face Plate
0 Slide the left side of the removable face plate in place. (-> Fig. 4)
0 Press the right end of the removable face plate until "click" is heard. (■* Fig. 5)
is off.
mot expose it to
r-*or excessive
jZ *Thfe' f©movable 'face .
[not remove the iemovabte^face
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Do-not^plaoethereiTKwat^taoe plate on the^M^oard or nearby areas'where the tempera-
y^ldresfises to high levels.