[:AMPLitude] <value>
[:IMMediate] <value>|INFinity
:MAXimum 0|OFF|1|ON
:ENABle <value>
:NTRansiton <value>
:PTRansiton <value>
:ENABle <value>
:NTRansiton <value>
:PTRansiton <value>
:RLSTate LOCal|REMote|RWLock
:DATE <yyyy>, <mm>, <dd>
:OUTPut <value>
:ENABle 0|OFF|1|ON
Keysight RP7900 Series Operating and Service Guide
Sets the output resistance level.
Enables or disables output resistance programming.
Sets the voltage slew rate.
Enables or disables the maximum slew rate override.
Queries the operation event register.
Queries the operation condition register.
Sets the operation enable register.
Sets the Negative transition filter
Sets the Positive transition filter
Presets all Enable, PTR, and NTR registers.
Queries the questionable event register.
Queries the questionable condition register.
Sets the questionable enable register.
Sets the Negative transition filter
Sets the Positive transition filter
Returns the initial socket control connection port number.
Configures the remote/local state of the instrument.
Sets the date of the system clock.
Reads and clears one error from the error queue.
Returns the power-line reference frequency.
Specifies automatic or manual line frequency detection.
Resets the front panel lockout password to zero.
Reboots the instrument to its power-on state.
(SDS commands apply to N795xA, N796xA only)
Connect to the SDS unit.
Selects the connection mode at power-on.
Reads the SDS digital port signals.
Sets the SDS digital output signals.
Enables or disables the SDS unit.
Returns the SDS status.
1 Quick Reference