2.5.9. Quality of Teach QoT
The quality of Teach value lets the user know how well the actually the teach procedure was carried out,
evaluating the relation between the following parameters: TP2, TP1, Hysteresis and Safe Limits.
The value for QoT can vary from 0 ... 255 %.
The QoT value is updated after every Teach procedure.
Examples of QoT are listed in the table below.
Quality of Teach values
> 150%
2.5.10. Excess Gain
The Excess Gain value describe the ratio of the light received by the photoelectric sensor to the light required
to operate the sensor.
The Excess gain value can be found in the Diagnostic tab of the SCTL55 or IO-Link master.
2.5.11. Filter Scaler
This function can increase the immunity towards unstable targets and electromagnetic disturbances: Its value
can be set from 1 to 255, the default factory setting is 1. The filter functions as a moving average. This means
that a filter setting of 1 gives the maximum sensing frequency and a setting of 255 gives the minimum sensing
2.5.12. Mutual interference
In an optimal installation the sensors must be installed so they do not interfere with each other, however in some
cases that is not possible, so the mutual interference protection function can be used. Using this function will
increase the immunity significantly however it will also have a negative impact on the sensing speed. When the
filter is activated, the sensor analyses the received signals and try to filter out interfering pulses.
1. sensor mode: is to be used where the sensor is disturbed by a foreign sensor, strong flashlight or a strong
modulated light source e.g. LED lights.
The response time is increased 5 times
2. sensor mode: is to be used if two identical sensors are interfering each other.
The response time is increased 5 ... 6 times
3. sensor mode: is to be used if three identical sensors are interfering each other.
The response time is increased 5 ... 7 times
Rev.01 - 08.2022 | MAN PD30CTP/R IO-Link ENG | © 2022 | CARLO GAVAZZI Industri
Excellent teach conditions, the sensor is not expected to require maintenance
in the near future.
Good teach conditions, the sensor has been taught with the safe limits set at
standard safe limits:
• Long term reliability is expected under all environmental conditions.
• Maintenance is not expected to be required.
Average teach conditions.
• The environmental conditions do not allow reliable detection for a longer
period. Maintenance should be carried out in the near future.
• If the environmental conditions remain stable, reliable detection can be
expected for the near future.
Poor teach result.
• Poor sensing conditions for reliable detection. (e.g. too small measuring
margin between the target and the surroundings
Light received by the sensor
Excess Gain =
Light required to switch the output