b) Select "Sensor role" -> "Trigger Sensor"
c) IO-Link Parameter Set-up is finished for the Trigger Sensor
9) Main sensor: (calculates Speed and Length and makes data available via IO-Link)
a) Reset the sensor using "Restore factory Settings"
(if already performed in point 5 then this can be skipped).
b) Select "Speed and Length" in the SCTL55 or IO-Link master; Menu "Parameter" -> "Application
c) Select "Sensor role" -> "Main Sensor".
d) Enter the distance in between the two sensors in [mm] in the menu "Speed and Length Measurement
Main Sensor" -> "Distance between sensors"
e) Select "Object Length" or "Object Speed" if required in "Process Data" in the "Observation menu"
under "Process data configuration" -> "Analogue value"
i. Object Length will be shown in [mm]
ii. Object Speed will be shown in [mm/s]
10) Connect sensor output Pin 2 of the Trigger Sensor to Input Pin 2 of the Main Sensor
11) The Speed and length function is now ready for use.
NB! During the measurement variations in the conveyor speed may impact the result. Pattern Recognition
The pattern recognition function is used to verify if a manufactured part has all the e.g. holes or taps as
expected and that the parts are made according to the specification.
A pattern of a part can be recorded into the sensor and the following parts then compared to the pre-
recorded pattern.
If pattern match, the sensor will respond with a positive signal or command either as standalone operation
or via an IO-Link master
The pattern can max. contain 20 edges eg. 10 holes or 10 taps.
If multiple pattern are to be detected then several Main sensors can be connected to a single Trigger sensor. Conditions
Two sensors are needed for this function a Trigger Sensor and a Main Sensor, however several Main
sensors can be connected to the Trigger Sensor if more than one pattern must be examined simultaneously. Pattern recognition – Setup procedure
Sensor preparation
1) Mount two sensors at the conveyor in line so the object will reach the two sensors at the same time.
2) Connect the two sensors to an SCTL55 or IO-Link master
3) Upload the IODD files in the SCTL55 or IO-Link Master
Alignment of Trigger and Main Sensor
Rev.01 - 08.2022 | MAN PD30CTP/R IO-Link ENG | © 2022 | CARLO GAVAZZI Industri