4) Switch on the power to the sensors
5) Restore the sensors to factory settings using the SCTL55 or IO-Link master.
6) Align the two sensors so the light beams will be detecting the edge of the target (reflector) at the same
7) The trigger sensor must be mounted in a position where it will continuously detect the object without
any holes or taps.
8) The Main sensor must be mounted so it detects the taps or holes that contain the pattern to be
9) Adjust the sensitivity on the sensors to get a reliable detection on the target.
(The yellow LED are ON, and the green LED are ON indicating Stable ON and IO-Link Mode)
IO-Link parameter settings (see Data Range options in §
10) Trigger sensor:
a) Select "Pattern Recognition" in the SCTL55 or IO-Link master; Menu "Parameter" -> "Application
b) Select "Sensor role" -> "Trigger Sensor"
c) IO-Link Parameter Set-up is finished for the Trigger Sensor
11) Main sensor:
a) Select "Pattern Recognition" in the SCTL55 or IO-Link master; Menu "Parameter" -> "Application
b) Select "Sensor role" -> "Main Sensor".
c) Enter the Timeout value used for maximum evaluation time between 1 ... 60 sec, in the menu
"Pattern Recognition Setup" -> "Timeout" (default value is 60 sec.)
d) Enter the Tolerance of the Pattern in ‰ (Parts per thousand), between 1 and 200 ‰ in the menu
"Pattern Recognition Setup" -> "Tolerance", default value is 50 ‰
12) Connect sensor output Pin 2 of the Trigger Sensor to Input Pin 2 of the Main Sensor(s)
Teach the Pattern
13) Activate the "Teach Pattern" command to start learning the pattern
14) Move the object at a steady speed passing fully by the two sensors
NB! During the measurement variations in the conveyor speed may impact the result.
15) The sensor responds with:
a) "Saved" in "Pattern Recognition Result" -> "Reference Pattern"
b) "E.g. 12" in "Pattern Recognition Result" -> "Reference Pattern No Of Edges" (counts both the
leading and trailing edges of the measurement targets).
c) Each edge is saved in ms from the leading edge of the complete measurement target and can be
found in the Observation menu. When compared to the reference pattern the edges are normalized
as a percentage value of the complete measurement target.
This ensures that the pattern can be recognized at various constant speeds.
16) The Pattern can be saved as a project in the SCTL55 or IO-Link master and at a later point send back
to the sensor in order to use this specific saved pattern as a reference pattern.
17) The Pattern Recognition function is now ready for use.
18) Move the target again at a steady speed passing fully by the two sensors
19) The Sensor responds with the text
a) "E.g. 12" in "Pattern Recognition Result" -> "Number of Edges Last Pattern"
20) "Patterns Match" in "Pattern Recognition Result" -> "Pattern Recognition Status"
Standalone operation in SIO Mode
21) Disconnect the sensor from the SCTL55 or IO-Link master and connect the Pin 4 to your e.g. decentral
Tower light or good/bad conveyor belt
22) Once a valid pattern is detected the Pin 4 output responds with a 1 second pulse.
Multiple patterns
Multiple patterns can be detected simultaneously on the same target using only one Trigger sensor and
multiple Main sensors, each Main sensor responds to a specific Pattern.
Rev.01 - 08.2022 | MAN PD30CTP/R IO-Link ENG | © 2022 | CARLO GAVAZZI Industri