2.4.8. Application functions
4 unique application functions can be selected via IO-Link only.
• Speed and Length.
• Pattern Recognition.
• Divider.
• Object and Gap Monitoring.
All application functions are disabled as factory setting. Speed and Length
This function is designed to monitor the length of an object as well as the speed of a conveyor belt by
means of only two interconnected sensors. The actual value if the length in [mm] and the speed in [mm/s]
are directly available on the IO-Link master.
Either the length or the speed can be set as process data. Conditions
Two sensors are needed for this function: a Trigger sensor and a Main sensor. Speed and Length – Setup procedure
Sensor preparation
1) Mount two sensors at the conveyor with an individual distance of e.g. 100 mm
2) Connect the two sensors to an SCTL55 or IO-Link master
3) Upload the IODD files in the SCTL55 or IO-Link Master
4) Switch on the power to the sensors
5) Restore the sensors to factory settings using the SCTL55 or IO-Link master.
6) Align the two sensors so the light beams are parallel to each other and aimed at the target (reflector).
7) Adjust the sensitivity on the sensors to get a reliable detection on the object.
(The yellow LED is ON, and the green LED is ON indicating stable ON and IO-Link Mode)
IO-Link parameter settings (see Data Range options in §
8) Trigger sensor: (The object passes the Trigger Sensor first)
a) Select "Speed and Length" in the SCTL55 or IO-Link master; Menu "Parameter" -> "Application
Rev.01 - 08.2022 | MAN PD30CTP/R IO-Link ENG | © 2022 | CARLO GAVAZZI Industri
Alignment of Trigger and Main Sensor