What to Do When
Irregular Stitches
incorrect s_ze needle
Improper threading.
Loose upper thread tension.
Pulling tabnc.
Loose presser toot
Unevenly wound bobbin.
Nicks or burrs at hole ot needle plate.
Choose correct size needle |or thread and fabric.
Rethread machine.
Tighten upper thread tension.
Do not pull fabric; guide it gently.
Reset presser toot.
Rewind bobbin.
Replace needle plate, or polish off burrs completely.
Puiling tabnc.
Do not pull fabric; guide it gently.
Breaking Needle
Incorrect s_ze needle.
Choose correct size needle tot thread and fabnc.
Incorrect setting ot needle.
Reset needle,
Loose presser toot.
Reset presser toot.
Bunching of Thread
Upper and lower threads not drawn back
When starting a seam be sure to draw both threads under and
under presser toot betore starting seam.
back el presser toot about 4"' and hold until a tow stitches are termed.
incorrect thread tension.
Reset thread tension.
Using two different sizes or kinds of thread.
Upper thread and bobbin thread should be same size and kind.
Bent or blunt needle.
Insert new needle,
Loose presser toot.
Reset presser toot.
Fabric too sheer or too soft.
Use underlay of tissue paper.
Incorrect s_ze needle.
Choose correct size needle for thread and tabnc
Skipping Stitches
Bent or blunt needle.
Insert new needle.
Incorrect setting el needle.
Reset needle.
Tight upper thread tenston.
Loosen upper thread tension.
Starting to stitch too test.
improper threading,
Tight upper thread tension.
incorrect s_ze needle.
Sharp eye Jnneedle,
Nicks or burrs at hole ot needle plate.
Breaking Upper Thread
Breaking Bobbin Thread
Improper bobbin threading.
Lint in bobbin holder or hook race.
The teed dog is not in the upper position.
Stitch Length set at 0.
Thread knotted under tabric.
Fabnc not Moving
Start to stitch at a medium speed.
Rethread machine.
Loosen upper thread tension.
Choose correct seze needle tot thread and fabric.
insert new needle.
Replace needte plate, or polish off burrs completeJy.
Check bobbin threading.
Clean bobbin holder and hook race.
Push-pull clutch Is disengaged,
Machine Jamming Knocking Noise
Thread caught in hook race,
and clean hook race.
Lint in bobbin holder or hook race.
Ctean bobbin holder and hook race.
Raise the teed dog with the drop lever.
Adjust Stitch Length Control.
Place both threads back under presser toot betore beg_nmng
to stitch.
Push in the dutch.