do not exceed the maximum wa-
ter level (12). Use distilled water
if possible. Do not leave the de-
vice in the sun for a long period of
time. If you want to add water or
essential oils, please turn off the
product first. Check that the de-
vice is turned off before picking
it up by the handle (10). Do not
shake the diffuser. Do not connect
or disconnect the USB cable with
wet hands. Do not dismantle the
device entirely.
E-IM-SummerNight-Lot001-v3.indd 7
E-IM-SummerNight-Lot001-v3.indd 7
If the USB cable is damaged, it
must be replaced with a similar
cable (USB-C). Use a USB adapt-
er with a current of at least 2.0A.
If the current is lower, the prod-
uct will charge more slowly. Do
not lift the cover (1) when the de-
vice is on. If you notice a suspi-
cious smell or sound, switch the
device off immediately and con-
sult the "Troubleshooting" sec-
tion of these instructions for use.
11/02/2022 10:45:05
11/02/2022 10:45:05