Trouble or fault
"Ready for operation" indica-
tor flashes green.
No hammering action.
Breaker hammers at severely
reduced frequency.
The breaker doesn't start or
cuts out during operation.
Most of the materials from which Hilti tools and appliances are manufactured can be recycled. The
materials must be correctly separated before they can be recycled. In many countries, your old tools,
machines or appliances can be returned to Hilti for recycling. Ask Hilti Service or your Hilti representative
for further information.
▶ Do not dispose of power tools, electronic equipment or batteries as household waste!
RoHS (Restriction of Hazardous Substances)
Click on the link to go to the table of hazardous substances:
There is a link to the RoHS table, in the form of a QR code, at the end of this document.
Manufacturer's warranty
▶ Please contact your local Hilti representative if you have questions about the warranty conditions.
Originele handleiding
Informatie over de handleiding
Bij deze handleiding
Lees voor ingebruikname deze handleiding door. Dit is vereist voor veilig werken en storingsvrij gebruik.
De veiligheidsinstructies en waarschuwingsaanwijzingen in deze handleiding en op het product in acht
De handleiding altijd bij het product bewaren en het product alleen met deze handleiding aan andere
personen doorgeven.
Verklaring van de tekens
Waarschuwingsaanwijzingen waarschuwen voor gevaren bij de omgang met het product. De volgende
signaalwoorden worden gebruikt:
Possible cause
Protection against overheating
The power tool is too cold
No-contact stroke (chisel does not
impact on hard material)
The extension cord is too long or
the conductor cross-section is
Action to be taken
▶ Allow the product to cool down.
▶ Clean the air vents. Running
under no load is still possible.
▶ Bring the tip of the accessory
tool into contact with the
working surface, switch the
power tool on and allow it to
run. If necessary, repeat the
procedure until the hammering
mechanism begins to operate.
▶ Release the switch and restart
the machine, or:
▶ With the switch pressed, also
fully depress the grip.
▶ Use an extension cord of an
approved length and / or of
adequate conductor cross-