Congratulations on your purchase of a Ford Motor Company Perimeter
Plus Vehicle Security and/or Remote Start System. This technology
represents the latest in automotive convenience and protection
systems. Your system, purchased today, is ready to accept tomorrow's
advancements in technology.
The Ford Motor Company vehicle security and remote start system is a
scalable product that can be configured based on personal preference
and vehicle model. All features contained in this manual may not have
been installed at time of purchase. Please consult your Ford dealer to
determine which features have been configured on your vehicle and
how to expand the functionality of your chosen system.
The Perimeter Plus vehicle security system can be upgraded to include
long-range (up to 1,000 ft. range) remote start features by adding the
long range 1-way or 2-way transmitters to your system.*
The 1-way and 2-way remote start system can also be upgraded to
include ultra-range (up to 2,500 ft.) features.*
* Require additional components and labor, see your dealer for details.