ARF868 Radio Modems - Guide utilisateur / User guide version V2.2.2
Radio data rate valid only with continuous asynchronous
Radio data rate valid only with asynchronous continuous
Note1 : the Autobaud mode authorises the modem to synchronise itself at switching on to the speed of the serial link, provided it is configured
in 8 bits,1 stop bit, no parity.
To trigger this procedure the monitoring equipment must transmit, on the serial link, the character: <U> (see § 4.1 self-detection command).
After correct execution of the self-detection command, reading register S210 (ATS210 ?) will return the UART data rate value identified in the
table (value 3 to 7). It will be memorised on recognition of the AT&W command.
Note2 : in the absence of any other special request, the modem internal switches (factory settings) are set to the auto mode (identical to the
S215 Fisher position = 4).
Note3 : the UART data rate should be chosen as close as possible to the radio data rate.
This is to limit the use of the buffer memory zone and activation of the RTC/CTS UART data rate control signals. E.g. 1: for a radio data rate of
57.6Kbps (S254=8), the choice of UART data rate of 57.6Kbps (S210=6) would be ideal. E.g. 2: For a UART data rate of 9.6Kbps (S210=3), the
radio data rate of 9.6Kbps(S254= 3) is the best possible choice.
If it is not possible to bring the UART and Radio data rates close together the 1024 octet buffer memory will compensate for the differences in
speed, provided this difference is not significant and/or the size of the data for transmission is limited.
In all other cases, only the use of the UART data rate control (S216=1) enables the integrity of the data transmitted to be guaranteed.
Note4 : the default choice of manual exiting from the mode is suitable for use during development, when the user needs to maintain control
over the exit from the command mode.
Programming of a timeout is recommended for use in operation, to enable an automatic return by the modem into the communication mode if a
character chain in the data flow is accidentally assimilated to a request for entry into the command mode.
Network number
no network : 0
Network address: from 1 to 254
1: 2,4Kbps
3: 9,6Kbps
6 : 38,4kbps
8: 57,6Kbps
Legacy X3-PRO
11: 10Kbps (Legacy X3-PRO)
12: 57.6Kbps
Destination address :
From 0 to 65534
Broadcast function : 65535
Default value
11 and 12 : For compatibility with X3Pro modems
In addressed mode, this register must be set with the
address of the modem to achieve.
of of 58