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Need Help - Withings Pulse HR Guide D'installation

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EN Withings SA hereby declares that the device Withings Pulse HR is in
conformity with the essential requirements and other relevant requirements
of Directive 2014/53/EU. The declaration of conformity can be found at:
withings.com/compliance | FR Par la présente, Withings SA déclare que
l'appareil Withings Pulse HR est conforme aux exigences essentielles et aux
autres dispositions pertinentes de la Directive 2014/53/EU. La déclaration
de conformité peut être consultée sur le site : withings.com/compliance
| DE Hiermit erklärt Withings SA, dass sich das Gerät Withings Pulse HR
den grundlegenden Anforderungen und den übrigen einschlägigen Bes-
timmungen der Richtlinie 2014/53/EU entspricht. Die EG-Konformitätser-
klärung können Sie über das Internet herunterladen: withings.com/com-
pliance | ES Por la presente, Withings SA declara que el Withings Pulse HR
cumple con los requisitos esenciales y otras disposiciones relevantes de la
Directiva 2014/53/EU. La declaración de conformidad se puede encontrar
en: withings.com/compliance | IT Con la presente Withings SA dichiara che
questo Withings Pulse HR è conforme ai requisiti essenziali ed alle altre dis-
posizioni pertinenti stabilite dalla direttiva 2014/53/EU. La dichiarazione di
conformità è disponibile all'indirizzo: withings.com/compliance."
«The crossed out wheeled bin symbol on your product, battery and/or
accessories means that the item is classified as electrical and electronic
equipment. Such items should not be mixed with general household waste,
and must be taken to dedicated collection points at the end of their working
life for proper treatment, recovery and recycling. This way you help save
valuable resources and promote recycling of materials.»
Frequency Range : 2402.0 - 2480.0 MHZ
Maximum output power : -3.98 dBm
IC: 11411A-WAM03

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