4 Possible causes of and remedies for malfunctions
for any type of stove
A whole lot of soot gets left on the glass
A slight soot coating on the glass pane is unavoidable and i
ncreases a little with each firing. In principle, soot on the glass
has three different causes:
The wood is too moist. This results in unclean combustion with
high smoke formation.
The ember bed has a temperature which is too low. This
results in high smoke formation when adding wood and poor
draught in the smoke pipe.
Wrong handling, e.g. the primary air valves are not sufficiently
opened in the ignition phase.
Test the moisture content of the wood. Ensure that you main-
tain a sufficient ember and refer to the heating manual
if need be.
Temporary smoke odour near the chimney stove
This can occur due to weather-related pressure in the chimney
and when it typically occurs with a certain wind direction. If this
occurs frequently, speak with your chimney constructors about
how to remedy this effect.
Operation: Please ensure that you never open the door
in a jerking manner. The resulting under-pressure can
draw smoke into the installation room. Loose lock first, wait
until the fire adjusts to the new air intake situation (2 – 3
seconds) and open door slowly.
Discolouration of painted parts
A discolouration of painted parts is very rare and is attributable
to exceedingly high temperature in the stove. The reason for
the excessive temperature can be a continuous exceeding of
the permissible maximum quantity of wood or the use of
unsuitable fuels (e.g. pallet residuals, cardboard, large
quantities of thin waste wood etc.).
Chimney fire
Causes: A chimney fire can occur when using the wrong com-
bustion material – e.g. wood moisture too high – or improper
operation of the stove. Here excess tar and water vapours (as
a kind of greasy soot) and begin to cover the walls of the inner
chimney. If the saturation point of the condensate is
reached, an ignition of the chimney with major flame and
temperature development may occur.
This is how to take effective precautions:
– Use dry, well stored firewood or brown-coal briquettes
– Supply enough oxygen during the combustion process.
– Regularly service and clean the chimney.
– Take care of the correct dimension of the chimney.
– Do not add to much firewood in order to prevent
a smouldering fire.
– Please note the operating manual of the stove.
What to do in an emergency?
– Contact the fire department – Emergency call!
– Firmly close the doors and combustion air supply of
the firing installation.
– Move all combustible items away from the stove.
– Keep/make free access to chimney cleaning locks.
– Notify the chimney cleaner.
– Have a fire extinguisher ready.
Important! Never attempt to extinguish a chimney fire
with water!
Due to the evaporating water, this can result in a 'blasting
effect' and the chimney can be seriously damaged.
General malfunction
If problems occur which you cannot remedy yourself, let
the fire burn down and cool down the stove.
Before recommissioning, please contact your specialised
dealer or professional chimney sweep or contact Bullerjan
GmbH directly.