The device constantly monitors the charging state of the lead-
acid battery and prevents a harmful deep discharge. Even at
the end of the discharging process the battery still provides
enough power to start the vehicle.
The battery trainer is protected against polarity reversal.
Testing a Lead/Acid Battery
The remaining voltage of a 12 V lead-acid battery must be at
least 9 V.
Regularly check the acid level of the individual cells of the
battery. This is neither possible nor necessary for mainte-
nance-free batteries. After the caps of the individual cells have
been opened, add distilled water until the electrodes are just
barely covered. Strictly follow the safety advice of the manu-
facturer of the battery. Battery acid is very corrosive and must
by all means be kept away from body parts, textiles, painted
surfaces or similar items.
The charging state of a battery can be determined by
measuring the density of the battery acid in "kg/l" with a
hydrometer, which can be purchased from Westfalia. The
general values are:
Density 1.28 kg/l = battery fully charged
Density 1.20 kg/l = battery charged halfway
Density 1.10 kg/l = battery drained
Connecting and Operation/Charging/Discharging
1. First, disconnect the battery from the vehicle. If necessary,
remove the battery from the vehicle.
2. Connect the plug (F) of the power mains adaptor (E) to the
power socket (C) of the battery trainer.
3. Then connect the red clamp (G) of the battery trainer to the
plus terminal of the battery to be charged. After that, connect
Cleaning and Storing