Table des Matières


Les langues disponibles
  • FR

Les langues disponibles Video stream

Stream Type:
Video type:
Bitrate type:
Video quality:
Frame rate:
Max. bitrate:
Video encoding:
I frame interval:
Select the first, second or – if it is available for your camera model –
the third video stream for configuration.
Select whether video or video and audio should be transmitted.
choose the resolution for the video stream.
select the streaming method: Constant bitrate: keeps the bitrate
constant at the set value, regardless of the quality.
select the desired quality (for variable bitrate only). The value set here
describes the compression level.
select the number of images/second to be transmitted.
select the bandwidth that should constantly be used for data
transmission (for constant bitrate only).
select the codec that should be used for compressing the data.
here you can select the profile type for the video codec. A profile is
standardised and determines the parameters that should be used for
select how often an I frame should be sent (H.264 only). The more
often an I frame (full image) is sent, the better the video quality is, but
the more bandwidth is required.


Table des Matières

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Table des Matières