3.2.2 Operating procedures
Protective equipment: Before using any tool always ensure that you and those in the work
area are using the appropriate personal protective equipment.
Firing a fastener: to fire a fastener place the nose of the tool against the work piece, if the
tool has a contact safety it will be necessary to press the tool so as to activate the safety,
following which pull the trigger to fire a fastener.
Exhaust air: each time a fastener is driven a blast of air is exhausted from the top front area
of the tool, keep your face clear of this, some tools incorporate a 360º exhaust deflector,
which enables you to control the direction of the exhaust air.
Depth control: check whether the fastener has been driven into the workpiece in ac
cordance with the requirements, the driven depth can be changed by adjusting air
pressure or, if available, by using the depth control device.
Always use the lowest possible air pressure for the following reasons, - save energy - less
noise will be produced - a reduction in fastener driving tool wear will be achieved
Any defective or improperly functioning occurs, disconnect the tool immediately from the
compressed air supply and passed to a specialist for inspection.
3.3 Precautionary measures
'Respect your tool and never horseplay'
1. Actuation systems
Refer to 3.2.1 and 3.2.2.
2. Flammable Atmospheres
Do not operate tool in explosive atmospheres, such as in the presence of flammable liquids,
gases or combustible dust.
3. Tool modification
The tool should not be modified unless authorized in the tool manual or approved in writing
by the tool manufacturer.
4. Tool maintenance
Refer to the tool maintenance instructions for detailed information on the proper mainte-
nance of a tool.
5. Recommended fasteners and accessories
5.1 Use only fasteners made or recommended by the tool manufacturer, or fasteners that
perform equivalently to those recommended by the manufacturer.
5.2 Use only accessories made or recommended by the tool manufacturer, or accessories
that perform equivalently to those recommended by the manufacturer.
6. Personal Protective Equipment
6.1 Appropriate personal protective equipment is to be worn.
6.2 Eye protection
WARNING Eye protection must be worn by the operator and other people in the work area.
WARNING It is employer's responsibility to provide and enforce the use of eye protection
by the operator and other people in the work area.